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Quad Cities

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Author Topic: Quad Cities  (Read 50178 times)

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Offline Bonds 25

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Re: Quad Cities
« Reply #25 on: Aug 01, 2015, 05:24 »
As much as I hated both of my outages at Quad, this would be devastating and would upset a strong Pro-Nuke person like myself a lot. Ridiculous  >:(
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Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Quad Cities
« Reply #26 on: Aug 02, 2015, 02:36 »
"We have certain regulatory and operational triggers in September that require us to make some tough choices on the specific assets this fall, particularly in light of the continued pressure on the power markets," he told analysts. "So we are continuing on with our disciplined plan on evaluating the assets and their likelihood to stay within the stack, and we'll bring that to closure with our decision in September."

PJM has enacted "enhanced" capacity market rules that will send more revenue to generators who can keep running in adverse conditions, but Crane said that likely wouldn't be enough. His comments come just a week after Bloomberg identified Exelon as one of the primary beneficiaries of the new rules.

Exelon's Clinton nuke, which operates in the Midcontinent ISO market, could face a similar fate but that decision will not be made until next year.

Exelon reported second quarter adjusted operating earnings of $509 million, or 59 cents per share, compared with 51 cents per share a year ago.

The justification looks if the decision was already made, contrary to the improved earnings.

Offline GLW

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Re: Quad Cities
« Reply #27 on: Aug 02, 2015, 02:52 »
"We have certain regulatory and operational triggers in September that require us to make some tough choices on the specific assets this fall, particularly in light of the continued pressure on the power markets," he told analysts. "So we are continuing on with our disciplined plan on evaluating the assets and their likelihood to stay within the stack, and we'll bring that to closure with our decision in September."

PJM has enacted "enhanced" capacity market rules that will send more revenue to generators who can keep running in adverse conditions, but Crane said that likely wouldn't be enough. His comments come just a week after Bloomberg identified Exelon as one of the primary beneficiaries of the new rules.

Exelon's Clinton nuke, which operates in the Midcontinent ISO market, could face a similar fate but that decision will not be made until next year.

Exelon reported second quarter adjusted operating earnings of $509 million, or 59 cents per share, compared with 51 cents per share a year ago.

The justification looks if the decision was already made, contrary to the improved earnings.

at least one of the underlying factors has been simmering for several years,...

Not to mention the Final Rules due in 2016 which may give any business pause when being served notice they have a 300 year liability:

...The staff considers a timeframe of up to 300 years of storage to be appropriate for
characterization and prediction of aging effects and aging management issues for EST. The
staff may adjust this analytical period based on the expanded gap assessment results, expected
in 2012, which will identify technical and regulatory needs to support the development of an EST
framework and WC update...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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Re: Quad Cities
« Reply #29 on: Jun 02, 2016, 03:06 »
Well, this may bring the topic to the top...
Another closing nuke plant. Sad to see - it's hitting all regions except for Region 2...
I'm on my 3rd one (1 other commercial and 1 DOE, and now VY)
Looks like this industry is going the way of the video rental store - looked like it was gonna last forever...
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