A letter to the editor in a widely read magazine stated that he was tired of hearing and reading that individuals calling themselves "environmentalists" were opposed to the use of nuclear power to generate electricity in the US. The writer said that anyone who opposed nuclear power was in effect choosing brownouts and power failures and was an obvious anti-environmentalist since many people's lives depend on a relatively constant flow of electricity (hospitals, drug storage, food preservation). The author concluded that of all the present energy method to supply mass power grids, nuclear power was the cleanest and safest means presently available in the US. " The question we must answer is : Do you agree or disagree with this author's position? Why or why not? Areas such as alternate means of power generation, pollution factors-especially global warming, waste storage, possibility of accidents, and health concerns are all fair game for this.....
....OK Sportsfans..I know you have an opinion on this....red