Skins were added to version 2.60 of Rad Pro Calculator which was just released. Skins totally alter the looks of the forms and controls giving it a more modern and aesthetically pleasing look. The user now has a choice of 8 different skins or no skin at all.
Also in version 2.60, a more advanced shielding algorithm was developed for the ALARA calculator. The shielding numbers now exactly match the shielding numbers in the gamma calculator.
Three new isotopes were added to the gamma and ALARA calculators, Y-88, Zr-89 and I-124.
For those of you who like the simple and small update zip file, that is not available for version 2.60. The changes make upgrading that way too complex. Everyone should uninstall their current version and download the 10 MEG installation package from here: example of one of the skins may be seen here: may also notice the new look with new website navigation controls on Rad Pro Calculator Online. The navigation controls are now in sub-categories and the site now has a desktop application look (without skins).
Hey Rennhack: You asked me about doing the skins a long time ago. I finally got around to climbing the learning curve for you.