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Author Topic: Idaho National Lab (INEL)  (Read 269235 times)

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« Reply #50 on: Apr 28, 2005, 02:51 »
Yes CH2MHILL (CWI) was awarded the ICP contract. Barttlet, EG&G, and MARCOM were the subcontract RCT companies with BBWI and all three have been extended with CWI.


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« Reply #51 on: Jun 29, 2005, 02:49 »
The INL is a good place to work. ;) If your not into outdoors stuff, IF doesn't offer a lot though. Ch2 is bringing in a lot of folks from the Flats. I hope that things go good. :-X


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« Reply #52 on: Aug 13, 2005, 12:56 »
Hey Again Gang,
  Just an update....Made the biggest mistake of my ENTIRE Nuclear Career lately. Left BNFL and went to work for MARCOM at R.W.M.C
  Now don't get me wrong.......Going to work for Marcella was a GOOD thing. My stupidity lies in the fact that I was offered a HOUSE job, and for whatever reason I had a MAJOR BRAIN FART :'(
Ended up takin' a $5.00/hr. cut in pay, under the pretense that the "Bennies" would more than make up for it. Pfssssssst. What a Laugh.
Started out as house for Bectel, then when CM2 took over I became a house slug for them. Just made things go from bad to worse. Pay stayed the same, benefits (*LOL*) stayed the same, but now CM2.... in their infinite "Bone the Worker Bee's" mentality is cutting our hours back to 40, basically throwing Rad Safety to the wolves and completely changing their past "Blow smoke up your arss" philosophy of Worker Safety comes FIRST.....To "Dose is Dose"...... get the work done!!!!! Damn the Plutonium.....FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!!!!
We laughinly call this the West Coast "Monkeys & Footballs" show. Hell we're even putting up another "Circus Tent". (But that's another story)
Let's just suffice it to say.......Ain't too many people happy here.  :-['s been about an hour since I've been to my duty station. Guess I'll go see how many rule changes there have been since I left.
Ohhhhhh....... And another thing......We're getting real sick of hearing the following phrase every time we turn around, "Well at the "FLATS" we.......Geeeeeeezzzzzz give it a rest. WE AIN'T AT THE FLATS!!!!! >:(


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« Reply #53 on: Aug 14, 2005, 12:02 »
Hey Halflifer!!!
Just got yer email. And the answer is a definate YES!!!!!!!! Ohhhhh.......also thought I'd give you an update on the "Monkeys/Footballs score. As of this morning, Monkeys: 17  Footballs 21. Why oh why did I do this????????


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Re: Idaho Falls
« Reply #54 on: Aug 22, 2005, 06:39 »
Can't find the actual voting icon, but........
Seeing as how I work here, And on a scale of 1-10.......
I would have to give a resounding score to CM2 and RWMC specific..... a Major score of -20!!! >:(
Since CM2 took over??? Hell I wouldn't wish this place on my Mother in Law!!! :o


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Re: Idaho Falls
« Reply #55 on: Aug 23, 2005, 08:17 »
Sorry to hear it!! Wouldn't have much to do with particular management, now, would it??Just so ya know there's others who comiserate with yer pain....


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Idaho Falls
« Reply #56 on: Sep 05, 2005, 12:10 »
I am looking at working a three month job at Idaho Falls. What is it like there and how are the living conditions in town? Also how is the weather between now and December? This will be my first road job, I have worked at the Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant for 14 years and I am a little nervous about venturing out. Any advice would be appreciated.


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #57 on: Sep 12, 2005, 09:10 »
Autum in Idaho is beautiful. The area is low crime and reasonably priced. The only drawbacks might be the lack of nightlife (by big city standards) and ..... well, see Nascar Terry's postings.
BTW what's this I hear about a 300+mr/hr(contact) 110mr/hr(30cm) package that came out of INTEC? Sounds like more CH2 "READY FIRE AIM"


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #58 on: Sep 21, 2005, 06:13 »
Just curious if they ever built a new Fire House?  Spent some time there many years ago, covering the striking firefighters, sorry guys, I know the guys from Rocky Flats coming up there pissed alot of you off, but we were only doing what we were told we had to do.  Hope there are no hard feelings still.  Very interesting place when I was there.


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #59 on: Oct 26, 2005, 01:19 »
Hi Again Gang,
  Just thought I'd jump in here and give certain people an update on what's going on.
As of today, the situation is still about the same.....FUBAR!!!! Rad Safety is still the Bain of CM2 cause we are still trying to give the "Good Fight" so to speak, but are slowly losing the Battle. CM2's credo is still "Safety First, UNLESS it interferes with PRODUCTION"!!!!  :-X
As of Nov 7th, we WILL be going to twin shifts of 40 hrs per week. They are combining A/B & C/D crews together (The War Clouds are Gathering) with staggered shift arrival times. Shifts will now be from 6:00am till 4:30pm and 8:00am till 6:30pm Monday through Thursday. Then every month the Crews will swap starting times. But far as the rumour mill goes, will only be taking place until Feb 1st 2006 when the Drop Dead date arrives for the start up of ARP 2 (Son of ARP *wink at Halflifer*) when all things will change and crews will be separated (If there's anyone left alive  ;D) and then all hold's are off. No one knows what will happen then, but everyone is walking around with the 1,000 yd. stare, so to speak.
As for the power of Rad Safety....... I was informed by one of our Favorite Operations Foreman the other day after having a discussion on improper Operations vs. Rad Safety that if a Rad Safety Tech shut a job down that He, the Operations Foreman, would wave to the Tech as he went out the gate in search of new employment. I'd kinda say, in my personal opinion, the Gaunlet had been thrown down. Guess we'll see about that statement eh?? :'(
On another note, CM2 is looking for 12-15 "House Techs" site wide. From what I hear, positions will be offered "Internally" first then will be advertised. Soooooo...... if any of you want to become a fine upstanding member  ;D of the INL keeps your eyes open for postings.
Ya'll take care and if this posting doesn't get me fired or gets me sent to the "Attitude Adjustment" room again, I will try to keep everyone informed as to future developments  ::) (Damn I hate Shock Therapy)
Keep your Powder Dry!!!!!


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #60 on: Oct 26, 2005, 01:26 »
Just curious if they ever built a new Fire House?  Spent some time there many years ago, covering the striking firefighters, sorry guys, I know the guys from Rocky Flats coming up there pissed alot of you off, but we were only doing what we were told we had to do.  Hope there are no hard feelings still.  Very interesting place when I was there.

If you only knew........At the present time all we are here is "Rocky Flats" the Sequel.


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #61 on: Oct 31, 2005, 01:56 »
I hear AMWTP is laying off  most of it's Senior RCTs and replacing them with Jr's. Is that why I saw a flatbed with 3 TruPacs on it rolling down I-15 near Pocatello w/o any placards? :o No the TruPacs weren't empty, they had stickers. Y'gits whut y'payz fer.

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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #62 on: Nov 01, 2005, 08:01 »
Remember White I and Yellow II labels do not require Placards.
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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #63 on: Nov 02, 2005, 12:01 »
These were Yellow III, unless my aging eyes deceived me.
« Last Edit: Nov 02, 2005, 12:04 by halflifer »


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #64 on: Nov 03, 2005, 08:22 »
I guess several HP/RCT types left Envirocare to go up to AMWTP and ICP a few months ago, and now they're call Envirocare wanting to come back. Interesting, no?


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #65 on: Nov 22, 2005, 07:52 »
Hey Halflifer....
What can ya say about it.......A RADSAFETY tech can only get "Punched in the mouth" for doing his Job so many times before the "Frustration" >:( finally gets the best of him. :-[

I guess several HP/RCT types left Envirocare to go up to AMWTP and ICP a few months ago, and now they're call Envirocare wanting to come back. Interesting, no?


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #66 on: Nov 24, 2005, 08:09 »
hey cheer up. at least with the new management you'll only be there half as long thanks to their ability to streamline the job and do away with the non essential items like Rad Protection, Safety, etc.


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #67 on: Nov 28, 2005, 12:21 »
Well I'm sure many of you that follow the INL/RWMC "Soap Opera" have heard about our little "Fire and Explosion......or.....Explosi on and Fire....(whichever terminology you feel most comfortable with)......Sure is a lot of worker bees going around with....."Told Ya So"....Look in their eyes when they look at the "Powers That Be".......


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #68 on: Dec 01, 2005, 09:57 »
Good Morning to All....

  Today is a Sad day out here at the RWMC facility.  :'(  As most of you know, a short while back we had an "incident" in the ARP 1 Pit. This incident involved an explosion and associated fire in the Waste extraction pit.  Since that point we have been under a "Shutdown" scenario until the cause and the issues around it could be resolved.
  Yesterday afternoon, without any advance notice, the "Higher Powers" in their infinite wisdom, layed off EVERY contract Technician involved with the ARP project.  :o This was without any advance warning what so ever. Merry Christmas!!!
  There are so many things that I want to say in this post but can't due to liable issues and possible allegations from the "Company" of I will just have to let you think what the implications and the consequences of these actions will be. Both to the hiring reputation of the company as well as the effects to the technicians involved. :-\
  Suffice it to say, that many of these Technicians had purchased homes and moved families here under the auspices that they had secure employment for the next 5 to 7 years, and that some of these technicians had left other jobs to come here to work. 
  Immediately after the "Instant Layoff" it was announced that the "Company" would open up 20 new House positions. :o And that bidding for these positions would start "internally" but then would be offered to Contractor Technicians which were just LAYED OFF!! But that hiring would probably not begin until the End of December. I'll let you figure out the strategy and thinking on that one.
  I do have to give Cudo's to 2 "Manager's" that run our dept. (Rad Safety) for putting up a Valiant Fight to try to stop this by coming up with alternative solutions, i.e. "Farm Techs out", spread them around type scenarios, or other options to no avail.
  And to the friends I made from ARP 1....... You all know how I feel on this issue, and if any of you need references or anything......Just holler.....I'll promise to do what I can. It might not be much, cause as you all know...job security even for an Old Road Whore, gone House tech (especially me) ;) has the stability of Salt in a rain storm.


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #69 on: Dec 02, 2005, 02:28 »
Sorry to hear the bad news from Idaho....  I feel some of what you must be feeling, and have ever since June when the "PTB" pulled the plug on about 350  contractors at Hanford, after promises of about 2 years locally.  It's good to hear that some of the rad managers there are not above trying to help.  Best of luck to ya'll.

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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #70 on: Dec 05, 2005, 10:23 »
It's like a ghost town out there now.

I was very sad to see all my friends and co-workers unceremoniously flushed out the door. unfortunately, that's the business and the world of the subcontractor. we are the disposable cannon fodder of the nuclear world.

Kudos to those who tried to find other places for them
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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #71 on: Dec 06, 2005, 07:05 »
Yes Jim, it's an occupational hazard. We have to realize that we are an expendable resource for the 'customer' and not take it personally when you get told in the middle of the day that you're done at the end of the day. I do feel for the techs who got the kiss....after all, I CAN identify with them.


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #72 on: Jan 15, 2006, 07:48 »
Speakin' of expendible, I heard that CH2O (or whatever they're calling themselves this week) is cutting a bunch of peoples' per diem. Comments?


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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #73 on: Jan 18, 2006, 11:28 »
Yes!  CWI, Inc. is what they call themselves at INL these days.  CH2M Hill and Washington Group make up CWI.  New contract negotiations are underway at INL for contract companies and will change on April 1.  Rumor has it that anyone who has been here for a year will no longer get any PD, taxable or otherwise, only your hourly rate.  CWI does not want to pay any PD if they can get by without having to.

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Re: INEL (Idaho Falls)
« Reply #74 on: Jan 24, 2006, 05:01 »
Good people, but winters too long even for a midwesterner........
Decomm Man


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