Good Morning to All....
Today is a Sad day out here at the RWMC facility.

As most of you know, a short while back we had an "incident" in the ARP 1 Pit. This incident involved an explosion and associated fire in the Waste extraction pit. Since that point we have been under a "Shutdown" scenario until the cause and the issues around it could be resolved.
Yesterday afternoon, without any advance notice, the "Higher Powers" in their infinite wisdom, layed off EVERY contract Technician involved with the ARP project.

This was without any advance warning what so ever. Merry Christmas!!!
There are so many things that I want to say in this post but can't due to liable issues and possible allegations from the "Company" of I will just have to let you think what the implications and the consequences of these actions will be. Both to the hiring reputation of the company as well as the effects to the technicians involved.

Suffice it to say, that many of these Technicians had purchased homes and moved families here under the auspices that they had secure employment for the next 5 to 7 years, and that some of these technicians had left other jobs to come here to work.
Immediately after the "Instant Layoff" it was announced that the "Company" would open up 20 new House positions.

And that bidding for these positions would start "internally" but then would be offered to Contractor Technicians which were just
LAYED OFF!! But that hiring would probably not begin until the End of December. I'll let you figure out the strategy and thinking on that one.
I do have to give Cudo's to 2 "Manager's" that run our dept. (Rad Safety) for putting up a Valiant Fight to try to stop this by coming up with alternative solutions, i.e. "Farm Techs out", spread them around type scenarios, or other options to no avail.
And to the friends I made from ARP 1....... You all know how I feel on this issue, and if any of you need references or anything......Just holler.....I'll promise to do what I can. It might not be much, cause as you all know...job security even for an Old Road Whore, gone House tech (especially me)

has the stability of Salt in a rain storm.