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Resrad Course at Argonne
...will be attending five day resrad course at argonne national lab starting may 14...
...any info would be helpful...
--- Quote from: wlrun3 on Mar 30, 2007, 09:47 --- ...will be attending five day resrad course at argonne national lab starting may 14...
...any info would be helpful...
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what type of info are ya looking for? cirriculum, motels, restaurants, routes, tourist stuff, how much paper 'n pens...........?
Complete sentences would be helpful to those who might respond but aren't mindreaders also!
--- Quote from: Moparmaniac on Mar 30, 2007, 12:16 ---Complete sentences would be helpful to those who might respond but aren't mindreaders also!
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I apologize for the stinted prose and lack of capitalization. I have been criticized for this in the past and will make efforts to be more readable.
--- Quote from: wlrun3 on Mar 31, 2007, 04:43 ---
I apologize for the stinted prose and lack of capitalization. I have been criticized for this in the past and will make efforts to be more readable.
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iffen ya woodent go wit alla dis fancyness, it wood reed eeezee. butt watt iz it dat yinz wanna no?
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