Career Path > Outages
outage work hours
--- Quote from: skip149 on Apr 22, 2007, 06:32 --- ok, the way it was told to me is the 72 hour rule is based on working monday through sunday only being aloud to work 6 12,s however if you start your job on tuesday you can work your 6 12 hour days then 6 more starting your new week making a total of 12 days strait you can work 12 hours a day, this way they can make you work more than 6 days with out taking a day off, this is why when we start a 12 hour work week you will see them starting on a tuesday or a wednesday.
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No that is not how it works. The best way to visualize it is start at the hour you are to start work. Roll back 168 hours. If you worked 72 hours in that 168 you need a waiver.
Halcyon please site the NRC Case. My guess is there was more to do with it than what meets the eye.
--- Quote from: Halcyon Daze on Apr 22, 2007, 07:59 ---Also, if you feel you are too fatigued to work more, and the licensee says you aren't; then you aren't. That was the NRC's ruling on just such a case. So essentially, they can make you work whatever they want and if you don't like it, you can go DFR.
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I am unsure about this aspect. Everywhere I have been they HAVE to ASK you to work your 7th day. I have not been forced to work seven or more straight. I have volunteered to do so.
I heard they just voted on and passed the work hour rules. It will suck working those hours. Three days off every fifteen durring an outage. Can't make any money doing that.
Below is the article from the NEI regarding work hours
It will be interesting to see how these changes are implemented. I'm house and personally wouldn't mind if we were limited to 40's for outage but I understand how travelers feel. Any extra days off mean less money and make it harder to earn a living. Of course maybe it will make them bring in more people and the extra demand will raise wages. Or pigs may fly......
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