Hey Mark
Didn't you work Rowe in 85? Are you still sinking scallop boats off of George's Bank?
Nope, just that 1 boat.
Yeah I worked Yankee Rowe. Basically (as far as I can remember):
Newport News Shipbuilding and DD 1979
IP2 1984, 86, 87 (and people ask why I have 42 R whole body lifetime) (Plugging Tubes with 1 hand on the stop watch and the other hand on the workers air hose!)
Surry 84 ( Mark standing up on a chair in the cafeteria at sign in, with about 50 people around, and announcing he does more drugs than all of us put together....hahahaha)
DC Cook 84 (nothing special...lasted 2 weeks)
Oyster Creek 85 (hit a deer on my motorcycle)
Yankee Rowe 85 (Recovered the stuck rad source. Please don't ask my extremity dose)
Susquehanna 85 (Did the shielding and initial entry in the core barrel for the Steam Dryer support block QC. That was fun!)
Pilgrim 86, 87 (Uhhhh let's not discuss Pilgrim 86...let's just say I'm glad I'm alive) (Hey Wojo, remember the Torus job? Or was that a different outage? I forget!)
What's that one in Ohio?
Oh yeah Perry! 87....lasted 10 days. (I just plain hated that place and everything around it.)
Oconee 87 88 (The last time I heard Ross Welch say "Screw all the pot smokers. Line em up, shoot em, and let God Sort em out." Miss ya Welchie!) (The funniest instance of the saying "Tastes Like Chicken" I've ever seen)
ANO (Arkansas 1) 87 (There's Buddhists in Arkansas?) This was the famous 20/hr and 50 a day job that was supposed to last 10 days to 2 weeks. Did it ever end? I left out of boredom after 3 months.
Calvert Cliffs 87 (They grow Pot here???)
Peach Bottom 88 (They sell crank here? No wonder everybody sleeps the whole damn night shift.)
Then I left and came back for the Shoreham fuel move to Limerick in 93. GREAT JOB! (Fuel Floor, to Crawler, To Barge, To Train...That was one of the funnest jobs I had)
I'm sure I left somewhere out. But strangely, once the per diem withdrawal stopped, I forgot most of the details!
Started with IRM (Don Parkinson, my bro!) and spent time with NSS, CE, Bartlett, ARC, and I was the second employee of General Dynamics Reactor Plant Services Division (which I think is shuttered now). I'm sure I forgot a few companies but they probably want to forget me!
I miss you guys!
Howya doing Steve? My email is marktucci@yahoo.com