I made a lot of big mistakes over the years and one of those was when I was fresh off the boat. My sole focus was getting a Corvette. My pay had more than doubled so I didn't listen to all the older techs calling me an idiot. There were several. I kept that piece of crap for four years. It even got stolen but "lucky for me" it was found and returned. While working at a Duke plant, a girl came up to me and asked," aren't you the guy with the Vette"? Why yes...Yes I am. This of course led to another big mistake which lasted 19 years. But now that I think of it, if I had not bought that car, I would not have my son. So thanks to that financially inept purchase of that piece of crap car, I am having an awesome Father's Day so far. Happy Father's Day!!!!
The best vehicle was my 95 Astro mini van. I used it in the business I ran while I was out of the nukes for 5 years. I kept it when I got my Ops job. I put 247,000 miles on it. I especially loved it during outages. When you had these idiots that would take up a space and a half with their behemoth dually, I made it my mission to fit in the half space. I would just crawl out the back.