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Things that rookie nukeworkers should know

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Most of the rentals listed are long-term, but they also have some vacation rentals in certain areas...worth a look if you need a place to live during an outage...


--- Quote from: UncaBuffalo on May 10, 2009, 05:10

Most of the rentals listed are long-term, but they also have some vacation rentals in certain areas...worth a look if you need a place to live during an outage...

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Saw that they have added a 'Hotel' tab on HotPads.  Lets you see hotel locations on a map, so you can pick one with easy access...and then gives you a rate quote for the dates you input...

I would venture the advice to rookies of simply:
1) asking questions of the experienced people
2) try to watch or work as many job types as possible in the first few outages (s/g, radwaste, refuel, etc.). That way you gain a feel for which jobs you enjoy.
3) save as much money as ya can as fast as ya can. you'll never know when the jobs disappear or you get hurt.
4) work with the people you are covering on the jobs, be flexable, be creative. If they are comfy / happy, they will make your job easier also.
5) find a job or jobs that you are good at and enjoy and don't be afraid to ask for that job. I used to tell supervisors "if you give me refuel, reactor bldg or s/g....I'll be adequate, but if you give me nightshift radwaste or turbine bldg, I'll come early and do a hell of a job ! and if you put me on dayshift.......I'll die!" that usually worked to get me where i wanted to be.

6) VERY IMPORTANT ! If you see a senior HP/RCT/RPT covering his job and you disagree with how he is doing the job.........unless he is being a radcon nightmare that will result in death or massive NRC fines.........DO NOT SNITCH HIM TO THE SUPERVISION !!!!!!!! ASK THE TECH QUESTIONS IF YOU HAVE A CONCERN, BUT LET HIM RUN HIS JOB HIS WAY !

7) My opinion of what my job was defined as :
I was there to keep the plant, the workers and the public safe from radiation and nuclear unpleasantness while striving to interfere the least amount with the successful completion of the work being done.

If you see a Senior Rad Tech carrying a ion chamber meter and running to an exit, stopping to glance at it, and then runs faster, it may be wise to follow.

Smart People:
About not having cash at the beginning of the outage:

--- Quote from: Chimera on Nov 01, 2009, 12:44 ---I deal with the problem this way:  I opened an account at a bank that I seemed to see at almost every plant I went to (such as Bank of America or US Bank) (don't forget the debit card for paying for gas and lodging).  That account only handles my perdiem so that I can keep it separate from my paychecks (they go to my regular bank).  Spend what you need for the job you're on and leave the rest for the beginning of your next job.  Over time, that account's balance will grow into a tidy sum (if you're reasonably prudent) that can be used to clear out debts or get some new toys.  I never let the balance in my "travel account" get below $2,000 between outages so that I always have enough cash to get started without having to ask for a perdiem advance.  And, should you run into a contract that only pays every two weeks, you will be sitting pretty while everyone around you is whining and complaining and begging for an advance.

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