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Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Gold Membership Drive
« Reply #50 on: May 13, 2010, 05:22 »
It finally showed up and all of Nukeworker can rest easy.....especially the Sandusky goofball....;)

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Re: Gold Membership Drive
« Reply #51 on: May 14, 2010, 06:32 »
I saved you the trouble, all three mouse clicks of it,....woohoo!!!!!!!

Just a thought;

Over in the appropriate forums of the GM section things are a bit more free wheeling, and are more fun.

Out here in the open forums the rules are tighter, which is appropriate.

Yet, it seems the OP in this particular thread is trying to sell product, it's a good, straight up, Joe Friday opening post full of information and detail. A good engineers/technicians post. Lots of steak, sizzle.

If there was any thread in the open forums where the site could relax a little bit and give a glimpse of the lighter, breakroom community found in parts of the GM forums this would seem to be the thread.

You know, a PG rated peek at "Who are these psychologically complicated, yet strangely creative individuals and what is this Hatfield/McCoy thing they obviously have going on?
Where can I fit in and play? Or, just watch?

It's your site, I just had a thought is all,...... Cool


Perhaps a new thread, showing examples of GM discussions. Would still need moderation. Or it could be a cut and paste "best of" type thread.

But yeah, it could be a good idea.... 8)
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Offline crusemm

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Re: Gold Membership Drive
« Reply #52 on: May 14, 2010, 08:29 »
I'm with HD.  A "Best of GM" section, with appropriately edited content, would be great.
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