Career Path > Nuclear Operator
Direct to SRO / Instant SRO
Roll Tide:
--- Quote from: Len61 on Apr 30, 2007, 06:45 ---I'll leave this one up to BZ. ;D
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Bet he's great at Volleyball: whenever someone sets him up, he's always ready to spike!
Summary of the other threads: Direct Instant SRO positions are rare. Not always set up to allow for success. Money is pretty good, but not $100K to start. I consider it an admission by the utility that they suddenly realize they are unprepared for the future. More plants will probably try them in the future.
Thank you Roll Tide, that's pretty much what I was looking for. I did try searching, but my results always ended with little actual info or 20 pages of post to search through, most of it unrelated.
--- Quote from: ledwiccj on May 01, 2007, 05:30 ---Thank you Roll Tide, that's pretty much what I was looking for. I did try searching, but my results always ended with little actual info or 20 pages of post to search through, most of it unrelated.
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