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Author Topic: How does your plant/company treat military reservists?  (Read 5021 times)

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I am thinking about getting out and pursuing a job in the nuclear industry, but I'd like to stay in the Navy reserves. Any input on how different companies handle drilling reservists and any advice on the subject is appreciated.

Also I've been told that a lot of nukes that get into the reserves spend their "summer camp" time at navy shipyards providing additional oversight for refueling jobs. Is this anywhere on target or was the person I was talking to way off?

Thanks guys.


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Re: How does your plant/company treat military reservists?
« Reply #1 on: Apr 25, 2007, 10:24 »
Mark I replied to your Private Message. Feel free to PM me again if you'd like.

As to your reserve question: I had two reservists working for me at my old job. Neither ever did anything nuclear during their reserve time.



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