Facility & Company Information > ANO (Arkansas Nuclear One)
Seeking Employment At Arkansas Nuclear One
Newbie Nukie:
Thanks everyone for your help. I did work at ANO years ago as a firewatch. It's just so hard trying to get back in when you don't know who to contact. I'm looking for anything to get back in.....firewatch, dosimetry, decon. If you know of any other entry positions or who to contact, please let me know.....Thanks again!
Mad Yogi:
Another option is to call the only Yell County nuclear staffing company with a heart. This is, of course, Quality Nuclear Services Inc. Ask for anybody named Byrd, especially Butch, Carol or Terry. Butch lives out by Mt. Nebo and though he probably doesn't have much going on at ANO he darn sure knows how it works out there. Tell em the Mad Yogi sent you.
Quality = 877-229-2529
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