Thank you for the phone number, I was unfamiliar with how contractors worked, this site has really picked up even more since the last time I was here (probably after I'd turned 17, I'm going on 20 now). I will have to wait until this semester of school is over with of course, as I'm fast on the way to getting my AAS in Illustration, that's a dream I don't want to quite give up. I decided to check the NRC for my region again, and my best options are Limerick or Three Mile Island, as I live in central New Jersey and thus by a hub for all trains, including the SEPTA. Indian Point is also a very good option because of the trains that run to New York City, though I don't know how far out I could take public transportation before it got unreasonable. I'm sure there are frequent traveller deals/passes for that sort of thing.
Not sure how picky one can be location-wise in a contractor job but I'm sure Bartlett would help me.
I have but a few more questions...
-Is Bartlett like a Nuclear equivalent of a temp agency, they find people and place them? So I would submit a resume to them or to the individual power companies? I'm just trying to find all this out now before I call them feeling lost and inquisitive.
-Describe the outage lifestyle. Would I have to travel to other plants far away, or if I was employed regularly at a local plant, would I just spend 72 hour (just a guess) weeks refueling that particular plant? Should I tell Bartlett that travel would be hard becaue of school, or should I tell school that I need to find a particular schedule to work around outage periods? I'm not sure what to do, becuase I am still very interested in my art degree.
A thought occurred to me that I can get into this field after I get out of community college to save money for a higher art school. I know it's a rather silly degree to be pursuing, and wanting to get experience in this field... but this is more of a passionate drive than a monetary one. I'd be making around the same wage as a deconner (Compared to the wage i make now in a retail store) in this area, with the exception that rapid growth is a possibility for once -laugh-. This would be an ESPECIALLY good job to keep while I get my feet wet freelancing illustration and such.
I want to hear your opinions on what I should do school wise though. Should I try to grind community college out first, or find out the outage schedules of the facilities in this region and try to go to school around those (also, online courses are a major option).
Thank you all so much!
- Brittany