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Offline Starkist

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Re: Mass/Poss Test
« Reply #50 on: Aug 26, 2011, 10:21 »
So would answering his question, *sigh*.  No, that's it (re: test banks for the EEI POSS/MASS).

Considering I HAVE answered his question in other posts ill just take your sarcasm with a grain of salt. This has been answered too many times and he didn't even look. This was originally posted in the wrong section for starters....


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Re: Mass/Poss Test
« Reply #51 on: Aug 26, 2011, 10:37 »
Does two wrong's make a right?  Seriously, you typed more than necessary.  A simple "no" would have 'surf'iced'.  I do not want you to argue with me like others here.  Let it go.

Offline Starkist

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Re: Mass/Poss Test
« Reply #52 on: Aug 26, 2011, 10:41 »
Does two wrong's make a right?  Seriously, you typed more than necessary.  A simple "no" would have 'surf'iced'.  I do not want you to argue with me like others here.  Let it go.

Sure. Little annoyed because of the amount I have posted on mass poss and tech advice.


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Re: Mass/Poss Test
« Reply #53 on: Aug 26, 2011, 10:49 »
If you haven't noticed yet, very few posters actually read anything we post if it isn't directed directly to their needs / posts.  Lighten up & feel free to re-post your advice 10 to the fifth (or was that th fifty'th?).  Or don't.  Them'z th' rule'z yo.

Offline Starkist

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Re: Mass/Poss Test
« Reply #54 on: Aug 26, 2011, 11:04 »
If you haven't noticed yet, very few posters actually read anything we post if it isn't directed directly to their needs / posts.  Lighten up & feel free to re-post your advice 10 to the fifth (or was that th fifty'th?).  Or don't.  Them'z th' rule'z yo.

Well that's why I told him to search the poss section. He originally posted this in the" getting in" section and didn't even look here. One of the admins moved his topuc here, which may be part of the confusion.

Offline Marlin

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Re: Mass/Poss Test
« Reply #55 on: Aug 27, 2011, 09:51 »
One of the admins moved his topuic here, (-1 Sp) which may be part of the confusion.

« Last Edit: Aug 27, 2011, 09:52 by Marlin »

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Re: Additional POSS Practice Exams
« Reply #56 on: Aug 29, 2011, 11:18 »
Hello everybody,

I am taking the POSS test with Duke Energy in a few weeks have been studying for the test. However, the only practice exams I can find are on the website. Does anyone know where I can find additional practice exams? Thanks in advance! 

I got a book off of (several options) that really helped me out. It had practice tests that were almost identical to the real thing. I was able to get good enough that I passed my first time at the nuclear level. The actual letter you get form EEI says you passed with a level that meets or exceeds a percentage of participating companies. Just get a rhythm and utilize that while taking the actual test.

old raddog

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Re: Mass/Poss Test
« Reply #57 on: Aug 29, 2011, 07:52 »
Doyou have the name of that book from amazon? I have a friend that neww and could use a copy. ty

Offline humphery

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MASS test
« Reply #58 on: Sep 14, 2011, 05:38 »
NewBIE,were can i go in Massachusetts at a community college and take this test or maybe in New England  THANxxxx

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Re: MASS test
« Reply #59 on: Sep 15, 2011, 08:39 »
Only two possible ways to take any EEI test. 1) You are invited by a company who administers the test for a possible job opportunity or 2) You are attending a school that partners with a company or EEI and you take it there.

You can't just go and take it somewhere without being invited basically.


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Re: MASS test
« Reply #60 on: Sep 15, 2011, 08:56 »
Only two possible ways to take any EEI test. 1) You are invited by a company who administers the test for a possible job opportunity or 2) You are attending a school that partners with a company or EEI and you take it there.

You can't just go and take it somewhere without being invited basically.

Yes and No.

You were right up to the end.  You do not have to be invited to take the test if you pay to take it.  Which is what some community colleges are doing.  In addition most of those schools also offer a prep course.

NewBIE,were can i go in Massachusetts at a community college and take this test or maybe in New England  THANxxxx

I know I mentioned this in the other thread you posted.  You need to call the community colleges and universities in your area or the area you are looking to take it.  I am not going to do it for you.


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Re: MASS test
« Reply #61 on: Sep 15, 2011, 01:27 »
Yes and No.

You were right up to the end.  You do not have to be invited to take the test if you pay to take it.  Which is what some community colleges are doing.  In addition most of those schools also offer a prep course.

I know I mentioned this in the other thread you posted.  You need to call the community colleges and universities in your area or the area you are looking to take it.  I am not going to do it for you.


Thank you for the clarification Mac, I guess it is not quite as exclusive as I had thought.


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Re: MASS test
« Reply #62 on: Sep 15, 2011, 01:46 »
Thank you for the clarification Mac, I guess it is not quite as exclusive as I had thought.

It's new.  Like in the last 6 to 7 years.  The utilities are hurting to find folks (particularly locals) that can pass it.  So, they offer it to the college kids as a college credit is some cases.  And, in others they are required to pass it before entering into a Utility sponsored program that feeds the needs of the utility.

I figure since the number of folks that can pass it went down and the numbers of folks needed went up they (the utilities and college's) decided it was beneficial to go this route.

Most of the college's that participate offer paid events to coincide with the college students.  It's a no brainier idea really.  Though when the need for employee's goes away I bet this will too.


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Re: MASS/POSS combo test.
« Reply #63 on: Sep 25, 2011, 07:55 »
I am taking the Poss/Mass test next week for the second time.
The first time I received a letter saying I was not recommended for the job.
I studied for 2 weeks solid for hours each day and still didn't pass.
I thought I did good, but guess I was wrong.
So, a year later I am taking the test again.
Any pointers on the test?
Do you remember any questions on the test?
I was really crushed I didn't pass and have been studying like crazy for the test next week.  :'(

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Re: MASS/POSS combo test.
« Reply #64 on: Sep 26, 2011, 08:55 »
I am taking the Poss/Mass test next week for the second time.
The first time I received a letter saying I was not recommended for the job.
I studied for 2 weeks solid for hours each day and still didn't pass.
I thought I did good, but guess I was wrong.
So, a year later I am taking the test again.
Any pointers on the test?
Do you remember any questions on the test?
I was really crushed I didn't pass and have been studying like crazy for the test next week.  :'(

The name of the game is technique. You can be the smartest person around, but if you can't perform on this test, your knowledge does you no good.

The best advice I can give is to develop ways to work quickly and accurately. Time management is your best friend. I know that may sound like common sense and even very easy, but as you know by taking this test, it is not quite as simple as some may think.

Make sure you have a MASS/POSS study book and time yourself taking taking the practice exams. Tweak your technique until you can answer most or all the questions in the allotted time.

Good luck!

Offline Vdeblasis

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Re: Mass/Poss Test
« Reply #65 on: Oct 09, 2011, 08:41 »

Thanks for all your info guys, it's been helpful but if some1 could email me one of those extra test I would appreciate it. My email .
I have the poss/mass c test with duke energy and of I pass I have a interview to follow right after the test.


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Re: Mass/Poss Test
« Reply #66 on: Oct 09, 2011, 10:05 »

Thanks for all your info guys, it's been helpful but if some1 could email me one of those extra test I would appreciate it. My email .
I have the poss/mass c test with duke energy and of I pass I have a interview to follow right after the test.

Better learn to spell and construct a proper sentence.


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Pertaining to the POSS/MASS tests
« Reply #67 on: Oct 17, 2011, 06:04 »
Hello, I recently attained my BS in physics and have been thinking about a career in the nuclear field.  I am scheduled to take a MASS/POSS aptitude test on October 28th for FirstEnergy to work at their plant in Perry, OH.  I have reviewed the EEI practice tests online and was wondering if those were actually relevant.  I find them rather easy to breeze through.  Before getting my BS in physics, I had taken the ASVAB in my senior year of high school, earning a 94 on it.

I'm not entirely certain if this is a good first post, but what would you say is the most difficult part of these aptitude exams?  Judging by the "mixed" reviews on this website thus far, I would assume that it is primarily time that causes people to feel anxious.  Would this be correct?

The mathematics, tables, graphs, reading and mechanics all seem quite simple.  The spatial recognition can take a bit of time to get  used to but I feel confident in my abilities to pass this test.

Any suggestions and/or recommendations would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance!


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Re: Pertaining to the POSS/MASS tests
« Reply #68 on: Oct 17, 2011, 08:21 »
Work quickly.  Work accurately.  What more do you need too know?!?!?!?   ;)

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Pertaining to the POSS/MASS tests
« Reply #69 on: Oct 17, 2011, 09:06 »
I am scheduled to take a MASS/POSS aptitude test on October 28th for FirstEnergy to work at their plant in Perry, OH.  I have reviewed the EEI practice tests online and was wondering if those were actually relevant

Who do you think wrote the POSS exam?

Offline krmorri

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Re: Pertaining to the POSS/MASS tests
« Reply #70 on: Oct 17, 2011, 11:22 »
I just took POSS test recently and I thought the same as you, that practice was easy.  Well true exam was pretty much the same as examples.  It's all about accuracy and time.  Moderator of exam stated at beginning that almost no one completes each section see complete as many as possible as accurate as possible.  I just kept taking practice over and over to speed up my answering time and it work well enough for me to pass and get an interview,

Offline dheaney

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Question about MASS test
« Reply #71 on: Feb 06, 2012, 09:07 »
I'm taking the MASS test soon as a prerequisite to get into a program at my local college.  Read the forums pretty thoroughly and just have one question; Does the MASS test have only conversions on it like the example tests from EEI show or is there basic algebra also?

Thanks in advance.

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« Last Edit: Feb 06, 2012, 09:20 by HydroDave63 »

Offline dheaney

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Re: Question about MASS test
« Reply #73 on: Feb 06, 2012, 09:31 »
I read that posting and still have no answer. Did you link it because there was an answer there or because you want me to post my question there?  What I want to know is if there is more than just conversions on the MASS test alone, not the MASS/POSS combo test.  A little clarity if you would please.

Offline Starkist

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Re: Question about MASS test
« Reply #74 on: Feb 06, 2012, 11:43 »
It only has simple conversions and algebra. Very basic stuff, just work through it fast.

edit: do the practice tests the way they are intended.... get a timer, stop when the times up and see where you are.
« Last Edit: Feb 06, 2012, 11:43 by Starkist »


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