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Where are control rods made?
« on: Jul 27, 2007, 12:55 »
Hi all,

I am looking for manufacturers who are actually making the control rods, but couldn't get a major breakthrough. I've looked up in several domestic and international associations, government agencies, but the closest information I got is the fuel fab facilities. Is anyone here familiar with this kind of manufactures in the States or worldwide, or even somewhere or someone I can ask for it? I appreciate any input. Thanks.



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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #1 on: Jul 27, 2007, 01:20 »

                            ??? Just curious, did you build your own reactor and are needing fuel for it??? Because if you are at a facility (nuclear) there is a GOOD chance they already have this information.... :o   Just my 2 cents...
        PS... Are you a foreigner???  ::)    Had too ask... :P


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #2 on: Jul 27, 2007, 01:49 »
OK, here is the situation. First, yes, I am a foreigner, but not some kind of a spy. I am a graduate student currently interning with a company that manufactures one of the materials used to make control rods, and my boss assigned me this task for marketing purpose. So it has nothing to do with the fuel or other nuke stuff actually, but only market research. I found the fuel fabs just because some other guys told me they are probably making the control rod in the fuel fab facilities, but my boss doesn't seem to believe this and asked me to look for other possible sources like some metal or chemical companies that are making the rods. Huuuuugh...Hope this gets me a clearance here.
« Last Edit: Jul 27, 2007, 01:51 by xiyu »


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #3 on: Jul 27, 2007, 02:00 »
I could tell you but I've have to kill you............... :P

IF you are employed by the manufacturer of one of materials...............why doesn't your employer know where the control rods are made?


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #4 on: Jul 27, 2007, 02:14 »
Are you kidding or you really mean it?  >:(

I mean we are making the material but we are not making it for control rod and we intend to explore that market. That's why I said it's for marketing purpose. Can u guys tell me first if it is because I'm a foreigner or the information is confidential to just anyone that you can't tell it, assuming you do have the information. Thanks anyway.


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #5 on: Jul 27, 2007, 02:18 »
Did I mention the company is American? if that matters.

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #6 on: Jul 27, 2007, 04:21 »
In general, I believe that most control rods are made by the fuel vendors, either at their main fuel fabrication plant, or at another plant. 


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #7 on: Jul 27, 2007, 04:37 »
So you agree with the statement made by the other guys I talked to. Thanks for your input, tr. And justatech, if you really have the information, would you please let me know.

And the material we are making is Indium. I also wonder how many or what kind of reactors are using the Ag-In-Cd (if I remember it right) as control rods?

Thanks for the help.
« Last Edit: Jul 27, 2007, 04:38 by xiyu »


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #8 on: Jul 27, 2007, 05:37 »
Are you kidding or you really mean it?  >:(

I mean we are making the material but we are not making it for control rod and we intend to explore that market. That's why I said it's for marketing purpose. Can u guys tell me first if it is because I'm a foreigner or the information is confidential to just anyone that you can't tell it, assuming you do have the information. Thanks anyway.

                          Try contacting Combustion engineering, Westinghouse or Babcock Wilcox... :-X
« Last Edit: Jul 27, 2007, 05:38 by dilligaf »

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #10 on: Jul 27, 2007, 06:11 »
Don't forget Areva, and General Electric

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #11 on: Jul 27, 2007, 06:12 »
That Troy is always on the ball.

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #12 on: Jul 27, 2007, 06:27 »
That Troy is always on the ball.

Yeah, I can use Google.  I think the kid should flunk if he didn't come up with those before I did.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #13 on: Jul 27, 2007, 07:57 »
This guy cannot be serious!


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #14 on: Jul 27, 2007, 08:07 »
                          Try contacting Combustion engineering, Westinghouse or Babcock Wilcox... :-X
Correct me if I am wrong, but Combustion Engineering no longer exists.  CE was purchased by ABB in the early 90's, and it's nuclear division recently sold to Westinghouse.   B&W's nuclear assets are now owned by Areva?
« Last Edit: Jul 27, 2007, 08:09 by deaztrailnutz »


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #15 on: Jul 27, 2007, 08:38 »
What country are you from? Im guessing in asia by your name?
« Last Edit: Jul 28, 2007, 02:34 by RadBastard »

Tech A

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #16 on: Jul 27, 2007, 08:50 »
I feel safe


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #17 on: Jul 28, 2007, 09:05 »
Maybe he's a boyscout building a project in his Mama's shed..................  :-\

He's got the Indium - which is commercially made - not made in labs.......................wh at's the chances of him finding the Cadium and Silver....................... .

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #18 on: Jul 28, 2007, 09:36 »
He is a foreigner and a graduate student which any of you could have found out with just a little research on this BBS. We have blasted a number of new posters for not using the search function, we should take our own advice >:(


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #19 on: Jul 28, 2007, 09:51 »
 BBS...............Bullentin Board System or the Bristish Broadcasting System.
As a moderator you can trace his origins.......we can't. Where is the info? We'd like to know - I've been on the computer most of the day and have not traced him................

On the internet you can and most will claim anything.........since 9-11 there is no trust and should not do even know I am an American?

I can talk your talk and walk your talk - you'll never know - will you?

However I am American..............and very PROUD TO BE.

My family has been affected by it...................when they bombed the basement my baby sister was across the street in a law firm............we didn't hear from her for 3 days......................whe n 9-11 happened  we were lucky to hear from her by if I'm cagey about NON-AMERICANS and their questions.................... be it.....................we are such a liberal country that we can not defend ourselves................ever y illegal we allow in do what?                 Do we even care anymore............we are so safe in our lives, our jobs, our families and the money we make ........that we are slowly selling this country out.....................

I will not give information for any so called college research project and I bet when he calls these companies they will not either....................... ..........I guess he should call one of our free speech newspapers..................t hey told the world where the President and Vice-President where at ......not to mention weeks later how to destroy/bomb a nuke effectively.................. ........SEMPER FI

Offline Marlin

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #20 on: Jul 28, 2007, 11:39 »
The info is on this thread if you had read it. The search functions I refer to are available to all registered posters.

Take a "chill pill" he was not asking for anything not available to the public in general, he just wanted direction to an applicable web site.
« Last Edit: Jul 28, 2007, 11:48 by Marlin »

Rad Sponge

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #21 on: Jul 29, 2007, 07:33 »
Given the current quality of fuel in the market and the number of fuel failures, I have ascertained that nuclear fuel is made by the Lighthouse for the Blind.

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #22 on: Jul 29, 2007, 10:59 »
Jason, you are showing your youth.  Today's commercial fuel looks like Navy fuel compared to what it was when I started.  Just opening a steam generator manway or lifting the reactor head would necessitate a containment evacuation fifteen or twenty years ago.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #23 on: Jul 29, 2007, 12:54 »
Right on all these tree hugging hippie liberals and dems want to give away everything to everybody including the illegals who have no rights in this country.Free heatlh care ,schooling,in state college tuition and us americans pay through the nose,and fuel rod info.
Im just waiting for the ACLU to try to sue us to give this foreiner the info.
We need stop drinking that liberal cool aid.If they want to come here ,I have no problem fill out the papers and do it legally.

They could care less about the safety of this country until after something bad happens like giving fuel rod or stupid dirty bomb info,or power plant info.

This is an example how our liberal thinking is in dangering our country and safety at the border.
Just like those 2 poor border guards [ramos and compean]who are serving 12 years for shooting an illegal drug runner in the butt for coming into the country with a load of drugs.
They[a.k.a. johnny sutton] gave the drug runner imunity and free pass's to come into the US to prosicute these guys for doing their jobs.
Then after the trial he got busted again coming into the US with another load of drugs unreal huh.
Thats your very own US attoney jonny suton a work.If you don't agree with this call his office and give them hell.
I guess the border guards new slogan shold be TO PROTECT AND SERVE TIME.

Jus think of what or who else they to let in.

I be damn if im going to give any forienger any nuke info that could in danger any of us.
If he wants it so bad im sure he can find it on his own.
SEMPER FI AND SUPPORT THE TROOPS -Without them you would be speaking german,japanesse,or arabic and you women would be wearing BURKA'S covered head to toe and have no rights and have to listen and do to what ever us men tell you.Not that that is a bad thing,
so stop an think of these soldiers sacrifice what they did for us.

sorry for my rant and a little of topic.
 -peace out RADBASTARD
BBS...............Bullentin Board System or the Bristish Broadcasting System.
As a moderator you can trace his origins.......we can't. Where is the info? We'd like to know - I've been on the computer most of the day and have not traced him................

On the internet you can and most will claim anything.........since 9-11 there is no trust and should not do even know I am an American?

I can talk your talk and walk your talk - you'll never know - will you?

However I am American..............and very PROUD TO BE.

My family has been affected by it...................when they bombed the basement my baby sister was across the street in a law firm............we didn't hear from her for 3 days......................whe n 9-11 happened  we were lucky to hear from her by if I'm cagey about NON-AMERICANS and their questions.................... be it.....................we are such a liberal country that we can not defend ourselves................ever y illegal we allow in do what?                 Do we even care anymore............we are so safe in our lives, our jobs, our families and the money we make ........that we are slowly selling this country out.....................

I will not give information for any so called college research project and I bet when he calls these companies they will not either....................... ..........I guess he should call one of our free speech newspapers..................t hey told the world where the President and Vice-President where at ......not to mention weeks later how to destroy/bomb a nuke effectively.................. ........SEMPER FI

« Last Edit: Jul 29, 2007, 09:18 by RadBastard »

Rad Sponge

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #24 on: Jul 29, 2007, 01:08 »
A little off topic?


Yes I am young, but we have first burn leakers here and the goal is zero defects, so somewhere in the manufacturing chain is a retarded monkey doing weld inspections.

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #25 on: Jul 29, 2007, 04:15 »
Jason, you are showing your youth.  Today's commercial fuel looks like Navy fuel compared to what it was when I started.  Just opening a steam generator manway or lifting the reactor head would necessitate a containment evacuation fifteen or twenty years ago.

gnaw, we save evacuation fer when we lit off da black powder ina s/g tubes.    ;)
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #26 on: Jul 29, 2007, 06:19 »
First burn leaker doesn't have to equal manufacturing defect.  Your chemistry control might just be awful.  You might be cycling the plant too much because your maintenance sucks.  Perhaps your FME program is a total joke.  Or maybe the stuff that got dropped in the pot before FME was a big deal has come home to roost.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Rad Sponge

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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #27 on: Jul 29, 2007, 08:55 »
First burn leaker doesn't have to equal manufacturing defect.  Your chemistry control might just be awful.  You might be cycling the plant too much because your maintenance sucks.  Perhaps your FME program is a total joke.  Or maybe the stuff that got dropped in the pot before FME was a big deal has come home to roost.

sounds plausible to me.


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #28 on: Jul 29, 2007, 09:36 »
So you agree with the statement made by the other guys I talked to. Thanks for your input, tr. And justatech, if you really have the information, would you please let me know.

And the material we are making is Indium. I also wonder how many or what kind of reactors are using the Ag-In-Cd (if I remember it right) as control rods?

Thanks for the help.

As someone who is not of graduate student rank but is stationed at a site where control rod and the accompanying drives are manufactured I wonder about an Indium manufacture who does not know who the nuclear customer would be.  Is there that much of a demand for the product that production is in progress and business transacted and the nuclear industry is being thought of as an "after the fact" customer?  What are these other customers and how much would they be buying versus the nuclear control rod manufacturers?


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #29 on: Jul 29, 2007, 10:33 »
Something like 98% of fuel leakers are caused by something the plant did and not by a weld defect. In fact of the leakers I've seen only one was due to a weld defect.


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Re: Where are control rods made?
« Reply #30 on: Aug 08, 2007, 01:50 »
Correct me if I am wrong, but Combustion Engineering no longer exists.  CE was purchased by ABB in the early 90's, and it's nuclear division recently sold to Westinghouse.   B&W's nuclear assets are now owned by Areva?

Westinghouse is now owned by Toshiba and the Shaw Group.


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