Career Path > Getting in
Type of Reactors going to be built?
Does anyone know what type of reactors are going to be built at Vogtle and TVA?
Well the reactor that TVA has actually announced BUILDING is a Westinghouse 4 Loop with an Ice Condenser Containment. Haven't you been reading the board?
Limited Quanity:
--- Quote from: Broadzilla on Aug 05, 2007, 05:35 ---Well the reactor that TVA has actually announced BUILDING is a Westinghouse 4 Loop with an Ice Condenser Containment. Haven't you been reading the board?
--- End quote ---
Yep, we get all the free shaved ice and snow cones we want!! Good stuff! ;)
With Borax for added whitening!
Thanks for half the info, and Ive been reading some of the boards not all of them, I will endever to do better. :-*
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