Career Path > Nuclear Operator

Who knew OPS had to study??? ;)

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Loose Screws:
OPS 101: Anyone wanting to get into OPS better have good study habits and the ability to put their life on hold for several months!  So far so good with the training and I passed my electrical board today and have a big goofy grin on my face.  3 more orals to go!  Time sure does fly by but looking back seems like forever ago since I had secondary systems but it has only been a few months.

Loose Screws:
Sorry if my post is not clear but I am in the Assistant Unit Operator training class at BFN.  College was a breeze in comparison to the study load here but for the most part what we learn is very interesting.  I figured a few people had been through Oral Boards and could relate to the difficulty of the electrical systems.


Especially knowing you pass an electrical board at a 3 unit facility in a utility that has some of the most robust electrical distribution systems in the nation.

I remember the first time I saw just ONE of the Switchyards at Sequoyah, my first thought was HOLY you know what!

THEN I saw the inplant system and was floored.


I offer my congratulations to you and all the other ops personnel. Since reading these posts involving operations I have taken on much more respect and admiration to your job and general knowledge. Most of my experience with ops is "we just spilled primary water back there get someone to clean it up". Thanks for opening my eyes.


--- Quote from: stownsend on Aug 23, 2007, 11:15 ---...Since reading these posts involving operations I have taken on much more respect and admiration to your job and general knowledge.... Thanks for opening my eyes.
--- End quote ---

I have had the same experience. Another benefit of is getting us all (I hope) to appreciate each other a bit more.


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