Let's clear these all up in one shot.
No, I do not work for APM. I do often work with APM. My better deal didn't just fall in my lap. There was a lot of luck involved, but that only got me the one job. The rest, I had to earn.
No, I am not bitter. I am disappointed and a little disgusted, but not bitter. How could I be? I am way better off now than I was five years ago. I just wish that I could say the same for a lot of my friends. They work hard for crap money, and I know they deserve better.
I am not badmouthing Bartlett or Atlantic for paying the crap wages and per diem that they pay. They are my competitors, but they see it as I do. As long as it takes 24 hours of pay to get six hours of work, the hourly rate is going to reflect that. Unfortunately, the six hours of work gets done in about five hours by a minority of the HP's.
OldHP, if you really are an HP, you didn't see a twentieth of what I do for a living. You saw me at the place where we both worked, but you probably didn't witness any of what I do. Please spare me the wisdom. Here's the way it really works: Those who can, do; those who can't, fake it; and those who can learn, get promoted.
If you are truly interested in improving the profession, good for you. You're one of those folks I feel such sympathy for.
This brings up another point. Every time I touch a nerve here, some jagoff brings up the fact that I no longer work as an HP.
difference does that make? Am I supposed to just say f#@k you to all those HP's I have known over the years just because I don't have to suffer the same pains anymore? It really makes me wonder, how will you behave when you get the chance to move into something better? Will you just forget all those people and stop caring about them? I can't do that. I consider myself fortunate to have been given the chance to progress in my career. I'm no way going to turn my back on the people who helped me get here. I'm going to keep speaking up for them and try to improve their plight. The way I see it is if it wasn't good enough for me then it sure isn't good enough for them. I'm not going to pretend that it doesn't matter anymore just because it doesn't affect me personaly. Of all the things I have learned, the biggest one is to never say never. I might end up swinging a meter again someday. I hope not to do that, but I'm certainly not above it. A lot of good people make their living that way and I'd be honored to be among them. But, if I ever do come back I'm going to give my best effort and continue to harass, harangue and ridicule anybody who is just taking up space.