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re·gion /ˈridʒən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ree-juhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. an extensive, continuous part of a surface, space, or body: a region of the earth.
2. Usually, regions. the vast or indefinite entirety of a space or area, or something compared to one: the regions of the firmament; the regions of the mind.
3. a part of the earth's surface (land or sea) of considerable and usually indefinite extent: a tropical region.
4. a district without respect to boundaries or extent: a charming region in Connecticut.
5. a part or division of the universe, as the heavens: a galactic region.
6. a large indefinite area or range of something specified; sphere: a region of authority.
7. an area of interest, activity, pursuit, etc.; field: studies in the region of logic.
8. an administrative division of a city or territory.
9. Zoogeography. a major faunal area of the earth's surface, sometimes one regarded as a division of a larger area.
10. Anatomy. a place in or a division of the body or a part of the body: the abdominal region.
11. Mathematics. a. Also called domain. an open connected set.
b. the union of such a set and some or all of its boundary points.
[Origin: 1300–50; ME < AF regiun < L regiōn- (s. of regiō) direction, line, boundary, equiv. to reg(ere) to rule + -iōn- -ion]
—Synonyms 1. area, section, portion. 4. locale, site, tract, quarter.