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APS (Arizona Public Service)

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Author Topic: APS (Arizona Public Service)  (Read 7910 times)

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Offline Rennhack

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APS (Arizona Public Service)
« on: Sep 09, 2007, 12:37 »
Talk about this company.  Don't forget to vote.


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Re: APS (Arizona Public Service)
« Reply #1 on: Aug 13, 2016, 04:22 »
I was hired during CAL time frame in 2007 when they were throwing bodies on the problem. There were about 35 of us in the class back then. Today, If I check the company phone book I can count my former classmates that are still here on a palm of my hand. Half of us were fired because they made the AO boards too difficult to pass. it was literally a pissing contest between managers who were asking questions they didn't even know the answers to. I of course, didn't stay in OPS too long. At the first sign of trouble I escaped to Engineering but even here there is an abundance of people that have been mistreated by the management. The only good thing I can say about the company is that it pays well. So if you're willing to sacrifice your sanity for a paycheck then APS will surely welcome you.

As you can tell from my statement above, I'm looking elsewhere. Seriously guys, You don't realize how twisted this place is, till you get a chance to meet with them face to face behind the close door. Complete and total LACK OF LEADERSHIP!!!!

I apologize. I had to vent somewhere and I can't do it at work. Please let me know if other companies have similar issues so I can avoid them.

Offline Rerun

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Re: APS (Arizona Public Service)
« Reply #2 on: Aug 13, 2016, 08:39 »
BS Eddington is one of the best people I have ever met. I know the PM, Outage Manager and Emergency Manager as they all used to work for me. They are very very good people. This is a tough industry so toughen up.

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Re: APS (Arizona Public Service)
« Reply #3 on: Aug 13, 2016, 10:52 »
...... but even here there is an abundance of people .....

there is an abundance of people everywhere right now,...

....The only good thing I can say about the company is that it pays well. So if you're willing to sacrifice your sanity for a paycheck then APS will surely welcome you....

in this country, in this business, at this time, if you have a well paying job, that should be all the sanity you need, if your job does not make you feel sane there are 120 to 128 hours every week outside of work where you can find a place to make yourself feel sane, your well paying job allows you to exuberantly pay for that sanity,...

I'm just saying,...

....As you can tell from my statement above, I'm looking elsewhere. Seriously guys, You don't realize how twisted this place is, till you get a chance to meet with them face to face behind the close door. Complete and total LACK OF LEADERSHIP!!!! ....

you should try WalMart or Burger King,... :P

.....I apologize. I had to vent somewhere and I can't do it at work. Please let me know if other companies have similar issues so I can avoid them.

you have already dropped way too many tells in your post to maintain anonymity at APS,...

it is a Saturday though, if you remove the post soon, maybe nobody will notice,...

unless it's okay with you that APS does know and feel your pain, and your plans to move elsewhere,....

I'm just saying,...

Good Luck,....

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Rerun

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Re: APS (Arizona Public Service)
« Reply #4 on: Aug 13, 2016, 11:30 »
Yep venting online is always a good strategy. Nuclear has been very good to me. It has its quirks then I talk to people from other employers and nuclear isnt so bad. The people are first rate

Offline Rerun

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Re: APS (Arizona Public Service)
« Reply #5 on: Aug 13, 2016, 06:54 »
Btw the PM from PV reads this page and at times posts on it

Offline hamsamich

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Re: APS (Arizona Public Service)
« Reply #6 on: Aug 13, 2016, 09:20 »
As far as APS goes they are pretty much the only game in town that has a guaranteed spot at the nuclear table out west.  And the biggest with 3 units.  That kinda gives them carte blanche to do things more along the way they want to do them.  Arizona is like the south of the west: they dig their nukes and will most likely keep them. Yeah Diablo is still going but they are on the way out probably,, and Columbia is a single unit so precarious.  Right nowPalo is probably loving life because although things have been fairly bleak for nuclear since 2011, it may be on its way up due to the carbon thing.  So the job market is flush with nuclear peeps wanting jobs in a supposedly shrinking market, yet nuclear is getting all kinds of green street cred right now albeit the mainstream consensus is nuclear power is still bad.  So APS has a strong position as far as hiring goes it seems; if you want to be out west and in nuclear they are about it, so just realize if you work for them it may be my way or the highway relative to most other nukes.


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