Facility & Company Information > Company Information
DTE Energy
Talk about this company. Don't forget to vote.
How is the working environment in Fermi2 plant? i am thinking about moving there as I have lived in Detroit for about 10 years.
Not sure how to proceed as the management going to let me know next week if I am hired as a non-licensed operator.
Salary is one factor, it would be great to know the ballpark of fully qualified non-licensed operator gross yearly income.
thanks a lot.
Can't really vote, as DTE is the only utility for which I have worked. But I have worked at Fermi 2 for over thirty years if that means anything to anyone as far as what type of a company it is.
--- Quote from: shakilnuke on Feb 06, 2015, 04:32 ---How is the working environment in Fermi2 plant?............
--- End quote ---
well, look at it this way:
in the 7 plus years this thread has existed no one has posted on it to complain,...
and people love to complain,.... :P :) ;) 8)
Very good point :)
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