Facility & Company Information > Entergy
Yes, a lot of things were different 42 years ago. 3 REM/qtr, 12 REM/yr. No hard hats, gloves, safety glasses required. Sneakers were OK. No modesty garments. Food allowed in the RCA, Smoking and chewing allowed in the RCA. ALARA? RPS were considered vermin in many places.
--- Quote from: scotoma on Mar 21, 2018, 07:11 ---Yes, a lot of things were different 42 years ago. 3 REM/qtr, 12 REM/yr. No hard hats, gloves, safety glasses required. Sneakers were OK. No modesty garments. Food allowed in the RCA, Smoking and chewing allowed in the RCA. ALARA? RPS were considered vermin in many places.
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In 44 years I have never seen food, smoking or chewing allowed in an RCA. In 1976 the word (acronym) ALARA had not yet been invented, hard hats, safety glasses and gloves were certainly required everywhere I went and I never saw sneakers in the RCA. Naked people in cowboy boots, yes, but sneakers, no. But hopefully Palisades changed a lot.
Back in the 70s & 80s lots of places had quirky rules. VY used to have a break area on the 3rd floor of the RB during outages. Smoking was allowed in the stairway of the RB. CY had trailers in the RCA setup as break areas. When I was there, it was 3 mR/hr GA. At Yankee Rowe, you could exit the VC still in your PCs and smoke on the landing. I never actually worked the southern plants, but I have heard stories from several people that they allowed chewing tobacco. Hard hats, safety glasses, and gloves were not required until well into the 80s and sneakers were permitted in many plants. The term ALARA was around in the 70s, but the program was not started until the early 80s.
--- Quote from: scotoma on Apr 24, 2018, 07:59 ---Back in the 70s & 80s lots of places had quirky rules. VY used to have a break area on the 3rd floor of the RB during outages. Smoking was allowed in the stairway of the RB. CY had trailers in the RCA setup as break areas. When I was there, it was 3 mR/hr GA. At Yankee Rowe, you could exit the VC still in your PCs and smoke on the landing......
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YAEC, VY, CY & MY too,....
I'm seeing a trend,... :-\
--- Quote from: RDTroja on Apr 24, 2018, 06:38 ---In 44 years I have never seen food, smoking or chewing allowed in an RCA. In 1976 the word (acronym) ALARA had not yet been invented, hard hats, safety glasses and gloves were certainly required everywhere I went and I never saw sneakers in the RCA. Naked people in cowboy boots, yes, but sneakers, no. But hopefully Palisades changed a lot.
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eye wore sneakers at peach bottom in the 70s n 80s, did knot, get inn two shoe discussions until bout 1982, n it was moor a "leather upper, defined heel" definition than hard tow, safety shoe description.
oconee wood let you smoke n drink water at the s.o.p. while in p.c.s after doffing gloves n frisking hands n face back on the 70s.
never wore a hard hat until the 80s, bawl caps where the cover of choice.
only gloves aye had on inn that millennium was rubber p.c.
butt, eye concur, I never witnessed permitted eating in a r.c.a.
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