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Washington Group

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Author Topic: Washington Group  (Read 34548 times)

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Re: Washington Group
« Reply #25 on: Jan 22, 2008, 07:12 »
I first came to work for WGI in early October.  They never got me my employee number, which controls all timekeeping and web page access, for almost three weeks after my hire date.  I had submitted all my paperwork to WGI almost a month prior to starting so they were fully aware of my employment status.  It took them almost a month to get my payroll fixed and over three weeks to get my perdiem setup and the Corporate office in Boise, ID said that I didn't get my perdiem on time because I didn't put my perdiem sheets in on time, which I couldn't do because I didn't have an employee number that they were responsible for supplying.  I have over thirty-six years of experience with over 22 years of it being in a training position and after they interviewed me for the job they hired a very young individual with absolutely no training experience to run the in-processing and training group because the individual's mother is a big shot with the client's in-processing group and thusly was designated as my boss.  In addition they low balled my salary, knowing that I was seriously trying to get out of where I was, saying that they couldn't afford to pay me what I usually recieve because it wasn't in their budget but they hired this inexperienced person who really should have been nothing but a clerk at a much higher wage then they should have been paid.  Over the holidays they docked our perdien by $36 a day because it was a holiday and we weren't suppose to stay in the area but should have gone home.  This was not in the policy manual that they gave me prior to my employment.  They are low paying on the perdiem rate ($20 less than the government rate).  They are working the salary people extensive amounts of overtime and refuse to pay straight time overtime until the outage starts but in my area the overtime is from 1/2 until week 0.  I was told that the overtime would start after the first of the year.  WGI is tied in with SGT (Steam Generator Team) who was just taken over by URS.  They obviously are good at what they do and that is pay the uppers and forget the lowers.  Don't recommend them to anyone, very clicky.

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Re: Washington Group
« Reply #26 on: Jan 22, 2008, 04:11 »
In addition they low balled my salary, knowing that I was seriously trying to get out of where I was, saying that they couldn't afford to pay me what I usually receive because it wasn't in their budget but they hired this inexperienced person who really should have been nothing but a clerk at a much higher wage then they should have been paid.

 :-\ Exactly why did you take their offer if it was less than what you wanted? If you wanted more you probably should have held out for the $$ or gone with someone else.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

Forum rules..


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Re: Washington Group
« Reply #27 on: Jan 24, 2008, 10:51 »
What a quote!
My feelings exactly.....Feel the burn.

A large portion of the people that work for them are miserable and hate the company. A lot of people start out with high hopes, but those hopes are dashed in a short period of time.  The smart ones use it as a stepping stone or move to other things.  . Their reputation leaves a lot to be desired!


Offline Mike McFarlin

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Re: Washington Group
« Reply #28 on: Sep 30, 2010, 08:48 »
Waiting to return to Fermi!
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Re: Washington Group
« Reply #29 on: Sep 30, 2010, 08:59 »
Mike, I wish you lots of luck with that outage at Fermi, keep them safe.

Offline Mike McFarlin

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Re: Washington Group
« Reply #30 on: Oct 01, 2010, 12:05 »
Thanks Kevin, I think it has been delayed.
"Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less." General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A.


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Re: Washington Group
« Reply #31 on: Oct 01, 2010, 09:02 »
Won't be there this time around, don't know if I'm happy or sad about it, all I can do is smile and say I'm happy where i'am and what I'am doing..Oct 24th she is shutting down,,I know that I date somebody that works for DTE..

Like I said keep them safe my friend.


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