Career Path > Getting in
How NOT to get a job
Already Gone:
There are loads of information about how to get work. I thought I'd reverse engineer this by giving an example of what NOT to do.
I placed a posting for an entry-level job on another website. (Sorry Mike, that's where the company has an account. I'll work on that.)
The posting contained limited information. I didn't want people to disqualify themselves from sending a resume just because the dates or places didn't fit. I wanted a variety of resumes, so I could cull the best, and see who was available from those.
The instructions were simple: Reply by email with your resume.
One of the replies was this one:
i have had unescorted access to 5 nuclear power plants and am currently at one - can u give me location ,hours , pay rate bonuses & duration of outage
Let me count the ways that this person blew it.
1) The instructions were to reply with a resume. This is not a resume. If you cannot follow the very first (and very simple) instruction that I give you, we're not going to have a successful working relationship.
2) If you are asking someone to consider you for a job, you owe that person the courtesy of making your communication as easy to read as possible. Failing to use capitalization, punctuation, complete sentences, and good grammar not only makes you look illiterate, but inconsiderate as well. No job for you.
3) Way to make this all about what you want instead of what you have to offer!! Before this person tells me his name, he expects me to tell him all the particulars of the job - particularly the money part. Apparently he isn't going to bother to spend the three seconds it would take to attach a resume unless there is a bonus and lots of overtime involved. You are competing with many, many, many, oh, so very many other people who have qualifications that they want to tell me about. Don't make me beg to hear about yours. I'm not going to.
4) The phrase "can you give me" is never well received - especially when you neglect to use the word "please."
I'm aware of the fact that not everyone who sees my job post will want to accept the job. In truth, I wasn't offering a corner office with stock options and a private jet. It was an entry-level job. Just give me the chance to offer the job if you have the (limited) qualifications that are required. If you say no (because you won't be available or the money isn't as good as you can get elsewhere, or you just don't like the weather at the job location... or whatever) I can live with that. But if you are going to make it an ordeal to hire you, I won't. If you make it blatantly obvious that you are shopping for the best deal, it will probably never come your way.
Well stated, Beer Court.
Now can u tell me about da mula? :P PLEASE................... :-*
Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;D
par haps it wuzzant only da responder who blew it. yinz axed four a "resume" . iz dat two help ya resume da job search? now iffen yinz had axed fer a "resumè" may bee it wood have werked bettor fore yew.
Roll Tide:
--- Quote from: BeerCourt on Sep 20, 2007, 06:36 ---There are loads of information about how to get work. I thought I'd reverse engineer this by giving an example of what NOT to do.
--- End quote ---
I normally read "Pearls Before Swine" for this information. Pastis may have to steal some of these for Rats' continuing job-hunting adventures.
Excellent post (and advice)!
What was life like before Pearls Before Swine, Dilbert and Pooch Cafe'?
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