Anyone out there have a good link to a salary calculator. I am up for a yearly review, and as I understand from many co-workers, especially those in my cell, that though they feel they are worth more the company cannot directly correlate their postion to an existing position in the industry. This is a small company that asks alot from a few, which has its ups and downs to it.
Background: I work at an instumentation company that uses radioactive sources to make density, level, and wieght measurements. Alot of my work focuses on surveys, meter calibrations, recieving and shipping RAM, prep work for disposals, field work with instrumentation(calibrating an instruments signal to a customer's PLC or DCS), maintaining RAM inventory, I also teach a rad safety and licensing class every 6 weeks.............As you might see I am qualified to do alot, but to clarify I work directly with the RSO. I found one engineering salary calculator and when I entered the required variables and geographic location I got a number that my company may just laugh at. I have almost six years of experience in the Nuke field and am considering whether to move on or find out I am on par given these variables.