Career Path > Getting in
Considering switching careers
Hello all,
I am currently considering of switching my career as an airline aircraft mechanic (10 years exp.) into the nuclear power generation field. So I am wondering what schooling I need to do and what are the career fields I can choose in this industry. I am mainly interested in maintenance part of the field but am interested in seeing what else the field has to offer. Can anyone please help narrow my search and show me what path I should take. Thank you for your info.
i'd read thru alot of the threads in the career forum,46.0.html
from there, explore some of the other threads. there's info already here in any aspect of nuke power you want, from power generation facilities thru medical.
Old HP:
As a pilot and a nukeworker I would advise you to stay with aviation. If you are an A&P I would advise getting your inspection authorization long before trying to become a nuclear mechanic.
Trust me, changing careers is one of the last things I want to do, but, honestly (from my expierence) having an A&P even with an IA(IA is worthless in the airline industry) really doesnt pay well. As it stands right now a 2nd year auto mechanic makes more than an expierenced A&P. Unfortunately, cause of what happened at september 11th, it has been really hard trying to find a reasonable salary to support a family in the southeast Pennslyvania area. The airline industry was paying real well prior to that and if you were with a company prior to 9/11/2001 for more than 15 years, well your somewhat set right now. So, that is why I am here, trying to research and see if this field is a viable option and secure one( another bad quality airlines have). I will tell you right now, that an A&P with my expierence makes between 30-35k a year. What does a NLO make with 1 year exp?
Roll Tide:
--- Quote from: phlavmech on Oct 15, 2007, 04:13 ---I will tell you right now, that an A&P with my expierence makes between 30-35k a year. What does a NLO make with 1 year exp?
--- End quote ---
Depending on the plant, $60-100K. But I am assuming 1 year experience AFTER qualifications / training completed (1-2 years). But starting pay is $40K plus at every plant today for the training program.
Are you willing to relocate? You aren't too far from quite a few nukes, but perhaps not commuting distance. Look at the page and go to Region I. Then see how far it is to the different sites (Hope Creek / Salem, Limerick, Susquehanna, TMI). Then begin your search in earnest.
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