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Author Topic: Trying to get into the outage work  (Read 11775 times)

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Trying to get into the outage work
« on: Nov 16, 2007, 04:50 »
I have never worked in a nuke, but my schooling and experience is in electroncis & computer IT. I, currently, am doing electronics repairs & have worked as a electronic inspector with a contractor for Boeing.  I am hitting dead ends every where I turn trying to get in on the Hatch & Farley Outages.  I have submitted resumes to Bartlett & the Shaw Group for the upcoming new reactors.  I have made many phone calls & everyone ask have I been badged in the last year or have I had the GETS training & I reply NO, and just how to I get these things unless someone gives you a chance on a job.  I am 44 years old & not a job hopper.  Just ready for a career change.  I even called the Laborers Local & the guy said he could probably get me in at Hatch, but at only $13/hour...I would like to get in somehow with the Instrument Techs, even at an entry position to gain experience in that area.  Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again,
Jonah Riner


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Re: Trying to get into the outage work
« Reply #1 on: Nov 29, 2007, 02:39 »
Thanks for the input from James  Jablonski.  I was able to get a resume to Shawn Wasko at Sonic.  The Bartlett deal did not work out, as they slammed the door.  Said there were no entry level positions available anywhere near me & Texas was the closest...That's ok, I would rather do electronics or IT work anyway, but was trying the RP thing because Hatch is 15 miles from my house..Still looking & hoping.  Just want to get my feet in the door in a related field and be ready for some long term work at Vogtle when the new reactor work cranks off...Thanks to all...great forum..


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