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Author Topic: Still a viable field to jump back into for hard work/fast money?  (Read 33750 times)

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Offline ArLaMs

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Hi - I am brand new to this board and relate to the original "career change" topic.  I have also been digging in the site a bit, but thought i would solicit input from you...  My question is more along the "back to the future" vein.

I started as house decon/rw/rp tech and did 5 years and then worked up to one of the QA guys over about 15 total years.  Left the utility and nuke field about 10 years ago and have been doing computer/financial gigs since.  My RP skills are pretty cold (remember mR/hr?) but I expect I could still read a meter.

Yeppers, the math makes me a little bit younger than dirt (almost 50), and I recall this was a young man's game in the day of 6 month outages and IRM (I was at skull orchard on occasion).  Is this a viable field to consider jumping back into for hard work/fast money at this juncture?  I know that is too broad a Q, so are the other resources besides this board that I can research?  Thanks in advance

Offline Rennhack

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I don't know of any other resource.

Doing 4-12 weeks twice a year is still an option at power plants, or go to a DOE site for long term work... or you can get a house job at a power plant.

A mRem is still a mRem.


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hello joe here ,,,
 worked at the donald cook plant in 2000 as an ironworker,, havent worked the nukes since but would like to ,, seem to see this red bage issue ,, how can i update to this ?? ironworker 27 yrs exp.
 52 yrs old

 any help would be great

Offline deltarho

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Interesting thread...I thought the field to be flooded.  You guys out there still need sponges (occassionly) [I don't mean the: "run over there, pick up a piece of the reactor, throw it in the hole, and run back.  Here are your 500 Rubles and may your family prosper." type of sponge, either.] 

Is there such a thing as a "Sponge on Call List" or its equivalent?  I could register with Surry and let them know I still remember to ask permission to enter the control point.  I might still remember to not pick my nose in the RC, but you know how bad habits are...

Seriously though, I could do weekends. And, as an added bonus, my reproductive capabilities have already been altered by my present employer--BONUS!
The above has nothing to do with any real  or imagined person(s).  Moreover, any referenced biped(s) simulating real or imagined persons--with a pulse or not--is coincidental, as far as you know.


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