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Author Topic: Why are YOU a gold member?  (Read 26686 times)

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Offline Rennhack

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Why are YOU a gold member?
« on: Nov 29, 2007, 10:18 »
It's the time of year when I try to make our numbers, and remind the gold members to re-up.  (And ask the advertisers to do the same)

I have 161 ex-gold members.  I'm about to send them an email asking them to consider renewing their gold membership.

Can you think of a reason why they should?  Why are YOU a gold member?

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #1 on: Nov 29, 2007, 10:34 »
Being a Gold Member makes me better looking (with a paper bag).

Seriously, being a Goldie helps support Mike and this site. I used to be a mod, but I find I don't have enough time any more (sorry Mike).  So I am still able to contribute and keep this site available to the folks that need it most......Nukeworkers.
Is it time for coffee yet?

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #2 on: Nov 30, 2007, 12:05 »
Mike, the reason I became a gold member is most likely different than most. After lurking and learning for almost two years as my son went through the pipeline, I joined your board to ask about a tiger cruise. As I started to ask my questions, I realised how much information was avalible, and how that information semi-educated me as to what my son was going through. The couple of bucks was more than worth the price of admission for my piece of mind and to  allow me to talk with my son about his career and to have a litttle idea about what he is talking about.
     I am not in your industry,but I can not think of any reason why someone who was would not support this site.Pony up people.
Thank you Mike and all NukeWorker members, Alan


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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #3 on: Nov 30, 2007, 02:33 »
There is a huge amount of information on this site that greatly benefits the nukies. The information, laughs and interesting reading about this industry is not available anywhere else and should be encouraged and supported. If I wasn't a gold member I wouldn't be able to irritate Dave Warren as much either. That alone is worth the few bucks  8)


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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #4 on: Nov 30, 2007, 05:37 »
I'm a Gold Member because I simply believe this is a site worth supporting. Mike has done a great job of putting up and maintaing a site that is both informative and useful to nukeworkers as well as entertaining. I don't get back to do outages that often so for me it's a great way to keep in touch with what's going on in the business and friends as well.

If you're not a Gold Member please think about becoming one. 

If you are a Gold Member, don't forget to renew. I just did today. (Thanks for the e-mail reminder Mike!)  8)

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #5 on: Nov 30, 2007, 07:26 »
I feel good that I renewed before the email - I have several reasons to be a GM:

I knew Mike way back when - and I'm very impressed with all he has done here 8)

I've been a lurker for a long time - time to support the cause

This place keeps me informed better than ANY other resource about the nuclear industry

Access to other content as a GM - outage schedule, jokes, poly sci

A forum for all of us to discuss hot topics

A way to keep in touch with old coworkers and friends

Karma - it's nice to recognize folks...

So now I am starting my second GM year, and I hope to have many more
Thanks for all you do Mike - this place is special...... ;D
« Last Edit: Nov 30, 2007, 07:29 by HouseDad »
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Offline Carolina Jethro

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #6 on: Nov 30, 2007, 07:31 »
Because this site has helped me land several jobs over the years along with being able to stay in touch with the many friends I have made on the road. Although I am out of the nuke loop at this time I will continue to support this site and the many wonderful things Mike has done.
« Last Edit: Nov 30, 2007, 07:39 by Carolina Jethro »

Offline RDTroja

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #7 on: Nov 30, 2007, 08:30 »
I am a Gold Member (yes, Moderators pay their share, too) because when I found this site I could see how much it could help people like me who spent their lives in this crazy business. I wish it had been around in 1974 when I was getting started (of course, without computers back then it would have been hard to get to.) I sent Mike a couple of donations to help make sure that the site could stay afloat long enough to stand on its own feet and when the Gold Membership was created, I found I was already paid up for a few years. I think I need to renew sometime next year, and I will be sure to do so when it is time.

Personally I think all of the information given away for free is worth the cost of Gold Memebership. The 'extra' stuff is all bonus to me, and I would be a member even if the Poli-Sci Forum, Bathroom Wall and the rest didn't exist... but I am glad they do. is not only a great job resource, but the best entertainment value around!
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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #8 on: Nov 30, 2007, 09:50 »
   Only place to receive answers to relevant questions from people who honestly know.

« Last Edit: Nov 30, 2007, 09:53 by wlrun3 »

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #9 on: Nov 30, 2007, 10:01 »
Seriously, being a Goldie helps support Mike and this site.

I'm a Gold Member because I simply believe this is a site worth supporting. Mike has done a great job of putting up and maintaing a site that is both informative and useful to nukeworkers as well as entertaining.

If you're not a Gold Member please think about becoming one. 

I am a Gold Member (yes, Moderators pay their share, too)
Personally I think all of the information given away for free is worth the cost of Gold Memebership. The 'extra' stuff is all bonus to me, and I would be a member even if the Poli-Sci Forum, Bathroom Wall and the rest didn't exist... but I am glad they do. is not only a great job resource, but the best entertainment value around!

These folks have said it all for me. Even without the added "bennies" of being a Goldmember, I would be one just to continue to support the site. It is without a doubt the best information tool for our industry anywhere.

Keep up the good work Mike, and everyone who uses the site should seriously consider becoming a Goldmember, hey! you probably spend more in one night in the local watering hole during an outage than it costs to become a GM  8)
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

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Offline Rennhack

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #10 on: Nov 30, 2007, 10:24 »
If you would like to become a gold member, follow this link:;sa=subscriptions

Offline Marlin

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #11 on: Nov 30, 2007, 12:58 »
There is supporting a site helpful to a broad range of nuclear and wannabe nuclear workers, but then there is PolySci, Sports Talk, Entertainment, Adult Humor and the Bathroom Wall. PolySci being my favorite.

Offline Carolina Jethro

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #12 on: Nov 30, 2007, 03:22 »
It is the single best thing a user could do.

1) You are supporting the site that supports YOU!
2) It is only a few cents a day.
3) It allows you to learn a gain knowledge from others and return its value to you 10 fold.
4) The great features Mike provides for such a nominal charge.  (ie job/outage spreadsheets)
5) It helps those that help you.

I do it for the peace of mind that comes from helping a site that has helped me so much.  You'll always get my support Mike. 


Hey Mike... go ahead and put this guy on the payroll for marketing! ;D

Offline Ginger Bread Woman

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #13 on: Nov 30, 2007, 05:33 »
Because using this site I can update alot of my certifications! I can also not only update them, but help whatever company (make money) also I am sure that those company's keep Nukeworker making a little bit of money also.Your going to pay anyhow for some re-certs. Plus Mike deserves to have this site work exceptionally well because of what has been put into the site over the years. I am a GM going on two years, the site gives info to us nationwide.

There are some who were/are friends and some aquaintences who I never would of found out about till a later date (traveling to jobs ect.),that were in a bad way or the worst possible way (like death) and because of this site we all found out! How can persons so abundantly blessed by our type of employment opportunities not support a site like this? Sort of makes you ponder. Sort of like the way we got supported when we almost had the UNION formed (the 80/90's walk-outs) Not that the failure was necessarily bad. But that the mouths always seem to run in this industry about what will get done until it is time to make the decision then only a few anti-up. Come on Nuke-workers get off the $36.50 and make this site an awesome success.

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #14 on: Nov 30, 2007, 05:51 »
Because I believe in this site, this industry, and Mike's vision.  Years before the Gold Membership was created I sent Mike a donation or two because I couldn't believe the information that was available then.  It's an investment that pays off for all of us, something big that I feel privileged to be a small part of.

I'm not a road tech, but I've had the privilege of meeting several of y'all when you've visited Callaway.  I wouldn't have even known about this site if a Bartlett tech hadn't been looking at it years ago while they were working at RP access.  After checking it out I joined up so that I could post and the rest is history.  I just wish I had paid more attention to who it was that first introduced me to this site so that I could Thank them personally.  In tribute to them I'll continue my membership for as long as I'm around.  Where else can you have this much fun for $.10/day?

"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

  -Bertrand Russell


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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #15 on: Nov 30, 2007, 07:00 »
During my first outage (remember those days?...that's a different topic), I saw a sticker on a hard hat, memorized it the entire outage, surfed the net one day, and here I am in Gold.  I am new to it all and what a GOLD MINE website/forum.

Why Gold because:
Questions with knowlegable answers backed with years of experience, or stories...  I quite
have separated fact from fiction, but it's fun trying.  ;)
Experience in the nuke world is found here.  Positions within industry are posted/found/made here.  Connections.  Most of all, it has to be the connections made, and potential ones out there.

Is there another site like this one?  I'm not aware of it.  I don't need another site; it's all right here, in GOLD!!!!  Go Gold!


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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #16 on: Nov 30, 2007, 11:07 »
rather than restating all the reasons above i will just day "ditto" and add i love the Members humor section....if i am having a not so great day there is alwasy something there the makes me laugh and i share them with my nuke sons and the whole gang at work!!

KEEP up the super awsome work!!

PS the site also kept me from pulling all my hair out while the twins were in a school!!


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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #17 on: Dec 01, 2007, 07:06 »
To support the CEO of this site. Us Michiganders have to stick together.


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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #18 on: Dec 01, 2007, 07:29 »
Eric B. said if I was a Gold Member he would put on top of the list to go to Clinton!!!! ;)

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #19 on: Dec 02, 2007, 03:06 »
I stated my opinion some time back (under a tribute to Mike), that Mike Rennhack has done those of us in the nuclear power industry (and those wishing to enter the field) a magnificent service by creating this "one-stop-shopping" website for all things nuclear, keeping us from spending hours surfing the Internet and having to follow a trail of one link to another.
Mike's a good man, and I'm renewing my Gold Membership even as I write.

(Oops! I already renewed back in August of this year! Fifty years old, and suffering Alzheimer's already! No wonder I keep getting lost on the way to work!)
« Last Edit: Dec 02, 2007, 03:09 by SST »


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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #20 on: Dec 04, 2007, 11:46 »
   I've been lurking on the periphery of this site for years. I like what it offers to anyone passing through. This site supports a host needs and I know it must be difficult in the extreme to maintain. As I said, I'm a lurker. I haven't come forth with any physical support in maintaining this site. But, as a GM, I have an outlet that suits my inherent laziness. I can give money.....and not only's Well Spent.


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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #21 on: Dec 04, 2007, 12:24 »
Like has been said before, I became a member to help support the best source of information that we in this industry could have.



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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #22 on: Jan 25, 2010, 08:49 »
I keep forgetting to sign up!

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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #23 on: Jan 25, 2010, 09:00 »
It's an early sign of Alzheimer's  ;)

Do you still have the PMs I sent you with the directions?


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Re: Why are YOU a gold member?
« Reply #24 on: Jan 25, 2010, 11:18 »
Nope, when you think on the level I do you burn up twice as many brain cells as the normal man :)

Yes I do! I'll follow them shortly.


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