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Experience Vs. Education

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Based on my own experiences over the years, and assuming the qualifications of the three individuals were verified to be accurate, I would hire the ex-deconner every time.  I am an ex-Navy nuc, also, but I vividly remember my first exposure to commercial nuclear power . . . an experience I've seen mirrored by many new ex-Navy nuc's  starting out in the commercial industry.  While I have my degree also, I'm aware that the degree just means I have a lot of theoretical knowledge with little to no practical experience.  I've been a road tech, a house tech, worked in both commercial and government programs, and I've trained techs along the way.  Based on over 30 years of experience, I would hire the (legitimate) ex-deconner every time.

But that's just my opinion . . .

experience equals education!


--- Quote from: shehane on May 05, 2004, 12:24 ---experience equals education!

--- End quote ---

Yeah, Don, but does education equal experience?

Not necessarily from the nuke side,
Education does not "equal" experience, but I think it does multiply experience.

If you take 2 guys with equal experience and one has a 4 yr degree, it shows 2 things, especially in this industry.

1. he successfully buckled himself down and passed classes, this takes dedication.
2. he most assuredly can handle any of the higher math, and analytical thinking quicker than a person without a degree, he's had 4 years of practice.


--- Quote from: Chimera on Mar 29, 2004, 08:16 ---.. While I have my degree also, I'm aware that the degree just means I have a lot of theoretical knowledge with little to no practical experience.  I've been a road tech, a house tech, worked in both commercial and government programs, and I've trained techs along the way.  Based on over 30 years of experience, I would hire the (legitimate) ex-deconner every time.

--- End quote ---

To me, for one, these are words of encouragement. I am also ex-Navy nuke, but I wasn't an ELT (I was an EM), and I have a BS and some graduate school, but I'm starting out in the commercial nuclear industry as a deconner. A lot of people don't understand why I even enjoy that sort of work, let alone why I would continue doing haz mat cleanup with a degree. All the degrees in the world don't count for crap, in my opinion, if somebody can't adequately and safely perform the tasks of the job itself, and that is obviously where experience comes in.


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