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Experience Vs. Education

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Not enough info to answer question accurately.  What job during your outage and what outage exp does the applicant have.  If you look at Tech resume's they are very discriptive of the jobs they covered and their responsibilities.  Need more info.

S.S.T. The major reason that most techs that get a degree is so that they can advance to Sr. RP faster. This is not just my opinion either. It is what I've found out from working right along side of those who had a degree & speaking with them. As for me, I worked my way up from the bottom so I feel that nothing on paper can replace experience. Guess how I voted? ;) :)


--- Quote from: Summer School Teacher on Jan 14, 2004, 03:44 ---UB:

I believe your poll is somewhat skewed so as to give you the results you're looking for.
You failed to mention what position it is I'm trying to fill, which would have a major impact on who I chose to hire.
You fail to mention what the candidate with the BS degree majored in. Is the degree directly related to the position I'm trying to fill?
As for the decon tech with 4 months experience as an HP tech: I'd need someone to corroborate his resume. I'm not about to hire him "sight unseen" based on his resume alone.
Similar polls conducted here on "nukeworker" have shown that 50% of the HP tech population has a 2 or 4 year degree, so there is validity to the argument that education is of obvious importance to the techs themselves.

--- End quote ---

Position being filled : "Outage Tech"  (I was thinking Containment or Drywell Rover type of position)

BS Degree :  Let's assume best-case scenario (Health Physics Degree)

Ex-Decon Tech Resume  :  Is there some reason you single the Ex-Decon Tech out for resume corroboration?   (Esp. in light of the "Degree-Mill" scandals...)

Importance of degree to the technician themselves  :  Absolutely!  From the tech's standpoint, a degree will always be a plus (I have stated this repeatedly on other threads.)  This poll is just to see what weight a person in a hypothetical supervisory position would give to various factors.

Skewed?  :  Certainly it only views one scenario...please help us take any skew away by starting other polls that you feel would help round the picture out.


--- Quote from: Rad Gal on Jan 14, 2004, 04:11 ---Not enough info to answer question accurately.  What job during your outage and what outage exp does the applicant have.  If you look at Tech resume's they are very discriptive of the jobs they covered and their responsibilities.  Need more info.

--- End quote ---

Let's assume that whichever job you were staffing all applicants had equivalent relavancy (or irrelavancy) of experience.

Roll Tide:
As ex-Navy, I was surprised to find the question worded in such a way that my choice was for the deconner. Sorry to the Sailors, but 3 months isn't enough to get them past the Navy way and Navy level of contamination control. :o


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