Career Path > Getting in
Is there any advantage of someone applying to an ops position being certified EMT-B?
Are there any medical personnel at a nuke plant site?
Who act as medical response personnel (I realize you call the ambulance but I’m talking about first response)?
Roll Tide:
Some plants have contract ambulance on-site. Some plants have a separate "Fire Brigade" that is composed of qualified EMT's. Some plants have first aid only onsite as a requirement (may be Chemistry or RadCon or some other group).
CPR qualifications are required for electrical in some positions; it is a good idea for OPS but not required at as many sites.
At D.C. Cook we have a volunteer EMT-B program with folks from all departments. So, the short answer would be: Yes, an EMT license might separate you from any other applicants being considered for the job. Remember though, most EMT certs are state mandated and do not transfer - you may only be qualified in the you tested in.
Just for the record: Cook also has a Fire Protection staff - all trained at a minimum to the Michigan First responder rate. They also have several EMT too.
Hope this answers your question
Nuclear NASCAR:
As I'm sure you've figured out, it will vary by location. At Callaway the EMT's are in Security as that is who provides the response, in addition to the fire brigade, to medical emergencies. That being said, any additional "real world" qualifications are always a plus.
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