No contract company ever promises only ONE lay-off....anywhere. None on the board would ever fall for a line like that, nor could ever admit to hearing such a line from any recruiter, or coordinator.
I don't recall a tech being laid off, especially local, after 1 1/2 weeks. Maybe the jr. that had attitude and threw a $45,000 piece of eq. across the line after being informed that it was a delicate part, I don't know of others, weren't many true "locals" there. One non-local that couldn't read ANY meter put in front him, SENIOR I might add was released after NUMANCO big dawgs made a special visit to offer him work elsewhere, or jr work at Fitzi, rather than being laid off. He couldn't hack the jr test so he went out.(PROOF OUR CRAFT NEEDS UNION TRAINING AND SUPPORT) The tech obviously sat doors for a living, just wanted to pick up a quick travel and diem check, or working an angle for a suit after being sent DFR.
Now that I remember, lay-offs did come early....BUT, they were taken voluntary so techs could jump into other outages w/out ending up short cashed mid-way through the season.
The only bad thing I can say about the place is the habit of hiring nonexperienced workers as house HPs when there are plenty of us out here with years of exp. Lots of union there. Lots of "eye-candy".
Would work there over others as house.
I got a little off track, sorry.
The outage was good, the co-ordinator worked his ass off for more $ for techs, unlike the company boys that most know about. The house techs are great to work with and for.
The supervisors are better than others elsewhere.