Ya, it's cold and windy. after the first night I rolled in, I woke up to 12 inches of snow on the ground! But, if you can stand the weather, the people at Ginna are AWESOME. They feed you, they treat you very well, they don't work you very hard, people are laid back. The area was fun, once I got over the blinding blizards that came out of nowhere. "Lake effects?" or something like that. I stayed at some executive apartment complex in Webster NY. Had a couple of roomates on backshift. One of the nicest and cheapest places I ever stayed. Training was exceptional. The first Friday after I got there and spent the week in training, we all got invited to an opener party at a local bar. After a few drinks with some old friends, we ended up in a crowd full of folks in scrubs, obviously techs. They fully convinced me that they were road techs, working for another company on a split contract, and they kept complaining about how crappy it was there. Later that night, I found out those guys were the RPM, RadOps Supervisor, RadWaste Supervisor, etc. Their management is actually involved in the plant!!! And they were fooling; it was a great place to work, and truly a well kept secret!