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Author Topic: IdentiFinder.  (Read 18790 times)

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Ionactive Consulting

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« on: Mar 31, 2006, 04:30 »

Greetings all.

Just wondered if anyone had any experience using the Thermo IdentiFinder? I have used a similar Exploranium type device and I'm planning to buy one or the other. They are about the same price and appear to have similar specs (at least on paper). Any feedback would most most appreciated.



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Re: IdentiFinder.
« Reply #1 on: Mar 31, 2006, 05:22 »
I'm off topic here, but I wanted to tell you that I like your web site.

Offline stormgoalie

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Re: IdentiFinder.
« Reply #2 on: Apr 01, 2006, 11:18 »
I just completed a series of comparison tests on the IdentiFinder and Inspector instruments.  I have found that the detection capabilities are comparable for both the instruments.  The primary difference was the user interface and in that respect I would give the advantage to the Identifinder hands down.  We found it to be a very "field friendly" meter that required very little specific training to use in its basic form.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Jim Rodgers
RP Lead Tech
Ontario Power Generation
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Ionactive Consulting

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Re: IdentiFinder.
« Reply #3 on: Apr 02, 2006, 03:33 »
Rennhack - thanks for your comments :)

Jim - thanks for your feedback. I will take you up on your kind offer over the coming weeks. Almost all my experience is with the Inspector instrument but there is 'something' about the IndentiFinder that I like (on paper at least). Your test feedback will really be useful.


« Last Edit: Apr 02, 2006, 03:44 by Ionactive Consulting »

Offline stormgoalie

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Re: IdentiFinder.
« Reply #4 on: Apr 05, 2006, 12:30 »

I look forward to assisting.  Now to pose a question along the same lines.  We tested the IdentiFinder Ultra w/Neutron probe, but we are leaning towards purchasing the IdentiFinder X extendable model.  I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this meter as it is of an obviously different configuration and some questions have been posed by our Health Physicist as to the reliability of the extension probe.  Hopefully someone in the field has experience with this model.


Jim Rodgers
RP Lead Tech
Ontario Power Generation
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John Chase

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Re: IdentiFinder.
« Reply #5 on: Dec 03, 2007, 10:40 »
Can anyone send me a pdf of the tech manual for the Identifinder?  Apparently there is a subtract mode for the attached Cs source radiation.

We radwaste broker and are getting too many reports from scrap piles that we know just contain radium - but are showing Cs peaks.  Thermo says that more often than not, the operator has the instrument in the wrong mode.  I dont ever plan on owning one of these instruments, but I need to be able to walk folks (most often - untrained types) through the proper set up when they are using them.

Offline stormgoalie

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Re: IdentiFinder.
« Reply #7 on: Dec 04, 2007, 11:10 »
Can anyone send me a pdf of the tech manual for the Identifinder?  Apparently there is a subtract mode for the attached Cs source radiation.

We radwaste broker and are getting too many reports from scrap piles that we know just contain radium - but are showing Cs peaks.  Thermo says that more often than not, the operator has the instrument in the wrong mode.  I dont ever plan on owning one of these instruments, but I need to be able to walk folks (most often - untrained types) through the proper set up when they are using them.


If your user is only operating the instrument in the basic mode the Cs stabiliztion source will not show up in the spectrum.  I would check the settings, ensure that they are set to the proper ones as per the manual, and then lock out the advanced functions.  We had problems with the technicians getting in and "playing" with the settings and were getting all sorts of interesting errors, but as they are RP techs a bit of training and a stern warning about messing with settings corrected the issue ;D  Good luck, and if you continue to have problems send me a PM through Nukeworker with specific questions and I will help you where I can.

Jim Rodgers
RP Supervisor
Ontario Power Generation
Western Waste Management Facility
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