Thanks MuleyHunter and Bubbasmama for the advice.
I do realize that the core is only the first step to qualify me for the type of positions I'm after, and that's why I asked what else I can do. I don't really know many people in this area of work so I'm figuring out most of it as I go along just from asking. I have actually enrolled in the program at E.I.T.C. for this fall but due to some financial setbacks I'm probably not going to be able to afford going to school full time and keep my roof over my head (but being worked on). So I'll hope for the best there but that is why I'm really trying to get my foot in the door without having to more or less not work meanwhile. I'm not really picky as to what role I start in I was told the rct job was where you begin after you have received the core(When I would ask at job fairs that was all they told me as well). I browse over all the postings for the employers in this area on a very regular basis. But, the rad tech position is really the only one I ever see posted as to anything is this field somewhat entry level so I thought it was correct.
Bubasmama, Will places ("on the road") be more likely to hire someone completely entry level such as myself more so than the INL or is it about the same percentage per place just simply with applying to more places your chance at getting hired is better?
Muleyhunter, Can I ask what was/is the hiring strategy for the I.C.P.?
Does DeNuke employ in this area I have never heard of them in Idaho. Knowing I'm pretty much ignorant but what does D&D stand for? I have also been trying to get in as a worker/laborer just to get my foot in but without a little nepotism or luck those jobs have presented themselves as very hard to come by.
I am will to work for it just trying to figure out what is the best plan of attack. A smarter man than I once told me "when possible work smart, not hard"
On a less serious note, are you hunting muleys in Idaho still? They seem almost nonexistent anymore. Unless, you see them snoozing on private land that is.

I've all but given up on them and thinking it might be more proactive to spend the time with elk and the occasional white tail.
Sorry if I've annoyed you guys with all the questions. I'd rather sound dumb than not know.
Again thanks for any good advice from anyone willing to share.