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Help getting in, in Idaho
« on: Mar 22, 2010, 11:18 »
I'm trying to get in as an entry level RCT at the I.N.L. site. I studied for a few months and got my DOE core, as was advised by an HP there I know as one of the main things to do to assist in getting on. I guess my question is does anyone know any contact or possibly anything I should/could do to help me get my foot in the door out there. Any advise or tactics are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Help getting in, in Idaho
« Reply #1 on: Mar 26, 2010, 01:17 »
I know a guy who used to be a radcon foreman. Ill talk to him about reading your post. Sounds like you have done work to get yourself there so maybe he can help you into an actual job.


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Re: Help getting in, in Idaho
« Reply #2 on: Mar 30, 2010, 09:43 »
Go on the road and get some experience.  Just studing for your core does not make you an RCT/HP and your chances of getting hired are slim.  Take a Rad Con training course will help, but of course it takes time.  The level of respect you will receive will be higher than if you come in off the street.  Many of us don't want to teach you how to read an instrument.  Maybe start as a Deconner.....


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Re: Help getting in, in Idaho
« Reply #3 on: Mar 30, 2010, 04:34 »

     Bubbasmama is absolutely correct, taking the core and passing puts you no closer to being an RCT than anyone else off the street.
     Your ability to be hired at the ICP (not sure about AMWTP and INL) as a Jr RCT is based on your education, your aptitude and/or experience and the ability to pass the Core.
     Eastern Idaho Technical College has restarted their RadCon program and I am very happy with the quality of people we have picked up over the past few years, so thats an option.
     Another option is to do some deconner time in commercial power or as a D&D worker/laborer at the site then try to go through DeNuke (Great company) MarCom, Bartlett or another company and be willing to go where the work takes you. At least in the beginning, don't be too picky, go where you need to go and do what you need to do to build your resume.

     This will take some time, but nothing good in life is truly free or easy.

Best of luck,


P.S CH2MHill and its partners just won the contract for AMWTP and I assume the future hiring strategy will mirror the ICP (Idaho Cleanup Project)
« Last Edit: Mar 30, 2010, 04:39 by MuleyHunter »


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Re: Help getting in, in Idaho
« Reply #4 on: Mar 31, 2010, 01:41 »
Thanks MuleyHunter and Bubbasmama for the advice.

I do realize that the core is only the first step to qualify me for the type of positions I'm after, and that's why I asked what else I can do. I don't really know many people in this area of work so I'm figuring out most of it as I go along just from asking. I have actually enrolled in the program at E.I.T.C. for this fall but due to some financial setbacks I'm probably not going to be able to afford going to school full time and keep my roof over my head (but being worked on). So I'll hope for the best there but that is why I'm really trying to get my foot in the door without having to more or less not work meanwhile. I'm not really picky as to what role I start in I was told the rct job was where you begin after you have received the core(When I would ask at job fairs that was all they told me as well). I browse over all the postings for the employers in this area on a very regular basis. But, the rad tech position is really the only one I ever see posted as to anything is this field somewhat entry level so I thought it was correct.

Bubasmama, Will places ("on the road") be more likely to hire someone completely entry level such as myself more so than the INL or is it about the same percentage per place just simply with applying to more places your chance at getting hired is better?

Muleyhunter, Can I ask what was/is the hiring strategy for the I.C.P.?
Does DeNuke employ in this area I have never heard of them in Idaho. Knowing I'm pretty much ignorant but what does D&D stand for? I have also been trying to get in as a worker/laborer just to get my foot in but without a little nepotism or luck those jobs have presented themselves as very hard to come by.
I am will to work for it just trying to figure out what is the best plan of attack. A smarter man than I once told me "when possible work smart, not hard"
On a less serious note, are you hunting muleys in Idaho still? They seem almost nonexistent anymore. Unless, you see them snoozing on private land that is.  ;) I've all but given up on them and thinking it might be more proactive to spend the time with elk and the occasional white tail.

Sorry if I've annoyed you guys with all the questions. I'd rather sound dumb than not know.

Again thanks for any good advice from anyone willing to share.
« Last Edit: Mar 31, 2010, 01:49 by funkemaster »


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Re: Help getting in, in Idaho
« Reply #5 on: Mar 31, 2010, 02:38 »

1. The hiring strategy/requirements for the ICP as far as Jr RCTs is concerned is that you have a "High School Diploma or GED, plus Vo-Tech or equivalent certification and 6 months Nuclear experience".  I made refence to this because there is rumor ( I do not have first hand knowledge) that BBWI was at one point hiring folks with no experience and making them into quasi-RCTs. I doubt that CH2MHill will operate that way ( if its true) once they assume the reigns. So to answer your question, "no" Jr RCT is not an entry level position.

2. D&D (&D) Decomissioning, Decontamination and Demolition. Take your pick of D words
they used to call it D&D&D but....

3. DeNuke does not have a local (Idaho) contract but I'm sure they will compete for any new procurements that might be forthcoming from the new AMWTP contract.There is a link off this website

4. The current Local suppliers are Bartlett and Marcom at the ICP and EG&G Services (URS) I think at the AMWTP.

5. Yes I do still hunt Muleys and do pretty well but I have fallen into the whitetail mystique and have taken a few of those over the past two years.I should probably change my name to "TailHunter" but there are way too many perversions of that and the wife just wouldn't understand.

You did not offend or annoy I was just trying to give you an idea of what it will take.

There are several paths to being an RCT two of which I kind of outlined ,another is the Navy  but that doesnt sound like an option either.

Good luck,

you sound motivated.


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Re: Help getting in, in Idaho
« Reply #6 on: Mar 31, 2010, 06:21 »
Marcom has been filling positions at AMWTP now for about 8 months. along with EG&G
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Re: Help getting in, in Idaho
« Reply #7 on: Apr 02, 2010, 10:12 »
    Some contractors MAY be willing to work with you.  Best to call/contact these contractors and find out, especially those who hire deconners(Bartlett for one). An RCT position is not an entry level job. Contractors want to hire people who can hit the road running from the first day they come aboard. School is just the beginning of many years of learning about the trade.

Another option, here in Idaho Falls, is to contact the Labors union, LIUNA #155, off of 17th street near the Carpet One outlet.  Pam is the secretary there.  They send folks out to work at INL also.

From your latest post, I see that money is an issue.  The EITC course SOULD be your priority if you really want to follow this path.  You WILL find the money, some how, to go if you are motivated. Through out my life, money has appeared or made itself available when I needed it. I did without allot of stuff including housing to get to where I am today. Education was paramount in delivering me from unemployment. Slowly I worked myself through college. Graduation day was one of the best day of my life. Do what you have to do to get what you want.

Good Luck


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Re: Help getting in, in Idaho
« Reply #8 on: Apr 06, 2010, 12:59 »
Thanks to all for the help,
I looked over the denuke website, they look like a rather nice (relatively smaller) company to work for where you get a little more of the "personal" touch from the boss men. I've had good experiences with company like that before (and a few not quite so nice). I generally jump at the opportunity to work for one.
I appreciate the terminology definitions, once it is defined i guess it makes it kind of an obvious answer but thankyou non the less and additionally for all the other advise and help.

What you said about some of the contractors being willing to work with you is more along the lines of what I had been told from previously and therefore was my assumption of what to expect. I will definitely be contacting the labors union and see if I can get any help through them with possibly being sent out. Do they generally fill longer term open positions or the temporary/real short term need? In response to the last part yes, I have had some money issues come up. Honestly where I'm at I'm about 3 semesters from my bachelors in health physics. My honest plan was to try to get on out there and then through night school finish my education up through a masters. So if I'm not able to get on soon without some serious luck I'll probably have to wait until next year to start the program at EITC get on and then go for more of the formal stuff. Not to cry myself a river or anything but like it has been said it usually gets harder before it gets any easier and anything worth doing is worth having is worth working for (even if it takes a while).

I'm hoping that the new contract at amwtp will open up a few jobs and might increase my odds for something.
Just wondering but does anyone have any opinions on which site/sites are better to be working for in the rad tech/health physics area. I have heard that NRF is a little harder for most people to work for (I'm not sure why though). I'd take anything I can get more just asking out of curiosity.

Again thanks for everyone's advise.


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