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Author Topic: Idaho Falls  Lodging  (Read 15206 times)

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Idaho Falls  Lodging
« on: Jun 16, 2004, 01:16 »
There are several communities around the INEEL where a lot of the "site workers" live.  Idaho Falls is just the biggest.
Shortest time to work is frrom Arco area, a real country town, or you could even park a trailer at Atomic City, which is even closer, and listen to the sagebrush grow in the evening.
Blackfoot is about 1/2 hour away, quite small with few serious entertainment spots, lots of country and cowboy influence.
Pocatello is a college town, moderate night-life and decent amenities.  Much more liberal than Idaho Falls.  Probably the longest drive to work from here.
Idaho Falls is the DOE office town and is 45-60 miles from most of the INEEL work on a busy two-lane highway.  You get what you pay for in living quarters, and looking around for a week or two can locate some good deals, but it's a LOT less expensive than an area like Denver.  Moderate night-life and other entertainment depends on the season, (there's a LOT of other things to do in the outdoors).
For people working at Test area North and Bechtel/Naval Reactors Facilities, the Mud Lake and Terreton area is closest, but most people who work there drive from Idaho Falls, Rexburg (a Mormon college town) or places in between.
« Last Edit: Dec 06, 2007, 08:46 by Marlin »


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Idaho Falls  Contracts
« Reply #1 on: Feb 24, 2006, 12:14 »
  The cost of living here is very reasonable. You can rent a small house for around $700.00 - $900.00 a month. Apartments start at around $400.00 and can go as high as $1200.00 for high end executive housing. Now for some advice that may help you choose what company to work for. As I mentioned before the hourly rates of Bartlett, EG&G and Marcom vary a little but there are some significant differences in the benefits offered. Have a pen handy and write down what each one has to offer in the way of insurance cost, 401k yes or no and what kind of matching. I believe EG&G offers some sort of stock purchase plan to it's employees. I'm not a Wall Street kind of guy but one of the EG&G guys I work with made some good $$$ with it. All of these factor into your yearly net income so get the facts and break out the calculator. Now on to the important part. We're all familiar with the practice of "tell them anything to get them here" and Marcom has taken it to new levels. As of this posting the contract(s) still have not been announced but Marcom has been telling the techs that she will be awarded the new contract, Bartlett may be the back up and EG&G is definitely out of the picture. She has been asking techs to email that Marcom is their choice to work for so she can lock them in. DO NOT believe
this. Any one, or all three companies could be awarded contracts. When you speak with Marcom ask her to put her claims in writing. I would be willing to bet that she doesn't have "THAT" much faith in her crystal ball let alone put on paper the methods she's using which the CWI people would certainly not approve of. Submit with the company you want. If you come out here and the company you're with does lose the contract you'll be allowed to roll over to the other company. You won't get sent down the road. This is a small town but there's plenty to do if you're and outdoors person. The work is good and the people are nice. It's worth giving a try.
« Last Edit: Feb 26, 2006, 11:02 by madhatter »

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Idaho Falls  Contracts
« Reply #2 on: Mar 04, 2006, 12:41 »
general wisdom is to stay away from lettered streets (H street, etc.) Ammon is on the other side of idaho falls from the site. it has mostly new developement and adds about ten minutes to the drive. Rentals tend to be low in I.F.
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Idaho Falls  Contracts
« Reply #3 on: Apr 07, 2007, 11:00 »
Blackfoot worked for me until I figured out a place to rent.  It has the basics...a Wal Mart, a Flying J's, and a few restaurants.  The biggest advantage for me was a 25 minute drive to the site.  It may be different for others depending on where they are assigned.  I finally ended up renting in Pocatello (Poky) because I found a apartment that I really liked, and I 
just liked the town.  Good luck to all that venture there.


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Idaho Falls  Lodging
« Reply #4 on: Mar 12, 2008, 05:02 »
Hello Anyone, I'm considering taking a job the at INEEL. Would I have difficulty finding a good apartment or small home in the smaller towns nearer the site? I moved here to Carlsbad,NM 16 months ago and the shortage is so bad here,there was nothing decent to even choose from. Thanks,  J 


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Re: Idaho Falls  Lodging
« Reply #5 on: Mar 13, 2008, 01:16 »
Your best option is Idaho Falls or Pocatello. I live in Idaho Falls, 55 miles from AMWTP. There is a wide variety of good affordable housing. I can't speak to Blackfoot or Pocatello, but any lodging is a good hour from work. Don't worry, everybody does it.....
« Last Edit: Mar 13, 2008, 01:17 by rjjohnson83404 »


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Re: Idaho Falls Lodging
« Reply #6 on: Mar 13, 2008, 06:05 »
If you want convenience, come to Arco. I own the Lost River Motel and would be glad to have anyone. I am an oldtime nuke and understand the needs of travelers so give me a shot. I provide weekly rates with wireless internet
Mike McIntosh
« Last Edit: Mar 13, 2008, 06:38 by mikel »

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Re: Idaho Falls  Lodging
« Reply #7 on: Mar 13, 2008, 10:20 »

   When I worked there, I lived in Idaho Falls. I like the town alot.
    BUT the drive was over 1 hour by bus. There were lots of buses however.
    If I had to do it again, I would live in Blackfoot.  It has most of what the Falls has
    and maybe cheaper.  It also is at least 30 minutes closer to work.
    Something to think about.

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Re: Idaho Falls  Lodging
« Reply #8 on: Mar 15, 2008, 05:29 »
Hello Anyone, I'm considering taking a job the at INEEL. Would I have difficulty finding a good apartment or small home in the smaller towns nearer the site? I moved here to Carlsbad,NM 16 months ago and the shortage is so bad here,there was nothing decent to even choose from. Thanks,  J 
I worked at INL and lived in Idaho Falls. We had no problem finding a place to live. Trust me, it's nothing like Carlsbad and surrounding areas! I recently moved to Midland, TX and had the hardest time finding a place. It's unbelievable! Idaho Falls is a nice town and the people are very friendly and helpful. Be careful driving to work though... The cops love to ticket people from out of state! :D
« Last Edit: Mar 15, 2008, 05:30 by tgerk »
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Re: Idaho Falls  Lodging
« Reply #9 on: Mar 19, 2008, 06:43 » is a great site for local discussions and reviews of everything from childcare to apartments.  I use it quite a bit to find out things about the area.


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