Facility & Company Information > Hatch
Hatch - Lodging
Try the Inn at Vidalia at Shoney's. Clean,roomsevice,bar, and swimming pool. Rates start at $149 a week. some speical offers at times for $350 a month.(912)537-1282
About 10 miles south of the plant is a quiet little trailer park. Nothing fancy, but not bad for working 6 12's and crashing. Quite reasonable. The guy's name is Ed Deen. He's honest and understands when the outage is over it's over.
He won't do business on Sunday, so plan ahead.
Baxley Housing Center
1330 Dunns Lake Rd, Baxley, GA 31513
Phone: (912) 367-9801
Mcdonald's lodge
160 w. coffee street, golden ilses parkway, Hazehurst, GA 31539
ph# 912-379-1770 fax 912-379-1788 toll free 888-844-8207.
$245/wk after taxes. it's nice frig and mircowave, wireless, breakfast. 25 mins from plant
--- Quote from: vikingfan on Nov 19, 2007, 10:35 ---anyone have any info or preferences on where to stay in the area ?
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Lake Tara outside of town. I think it was around 50 bucks a month in '88 for the RV. Kind of an RV/mobile home park. There also used to be a place in town called Granny's Boarding house...I'm serious as a heart attack here...Granny's Boarding house! And she didn't take no crap, either.
Seriously Viking man, jist get on down there and start root hogging around....it ain't New York City!!! You can see the whole town by lunch time.
All the Farley company guys that come in to work the hatch outage stay at the Inn of Vidalia. Shoneys Restaurant & the awesome Onion City Lounge & nightlife right at the motel. Call then at 912-537-1282 & tell them you are working the outage for a good weekly rate..Also when you hit the Lounge for a cold one..Be sure & tell Miss Denise at the Bar that Dale sent you to them...
--- Quote from: vikingfan on Nov 19, 2007, 10:35 ---anyone have any info or preferences on where to stay in the area ?
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