Facility & Company Information > HB Robinson
HB Robinson - Lodging
There are about 4 or 5 motels in Hartsville proper (about 3 miles from the plant) - The Heart of Hartsville, The Landmark Inn, a Holiday Inn, and a couple of smaller units. If you are staying for 3 months or more, your best bet is to rent a trailer near the plant. You can get a double-wide for $325 a month, plus utilities. There are also places in Darlington down the road about 10 miles, but they are mainly for race fans (over Labor Day weekend).
Mike McFarlin:
I stayed at the Lakeside Inn on my last visit to HBR. Very reasonable.
Johnson's landing opposite the plant on the lake..another place is-take a left on highway 151 from the plant, then 1/4 mile on the left is a place that rents spots..,,,,,.downtown Hartsville on 4th street,(which is highway 15),,there is a place to do your laundry, drop off, or do it yourself..it's safe.
I don't have Johnson's Landing number, but I do have a couple of others. All are close to the plant, furthest being about 3 1/2 miles away.
Pinevilla 843-332-6751
Lake Robinson 843-332-1675
Brown 843-322-1766
Easterling Campground 843-332-9810
Happy Camping :)
Can anyone tell me if Easterlings is still running the campground? I've heard the new owners of the property are building, but when I called Mrs Easterling she said they have people in campers there now. I'm hoping someone who lives in the area can shine some light on this for me.
Thanks :)
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