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Offline Rennhack

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Turkey Point - Lodging
« on: Dec 01, 2002, 12:39 »
If anyone has lodging information for this facility, please post it here.

There are a few hotels that take dogs,resonable rates if your working the outages, just show ID badge,believe it is less then $50.per day,one is Hampton Inn (305)247-8833, there is also a trailer park on Biscayne Drive (288th St) and 132 Ave. next to Air Base that offers low cost temp.trailers w/pets. Many who work outages stay there,it is secure w/guard at gate, mostly older folks live there during year.Many offer rooms within their homes during outages & post notices on boards at the plant.


Housing For rent: Waterfront in Tavernier, Fl ( Key Largo) call Barbra Mort at 305 853 0953.
Try any of the motels on Dixie Highway.....close to everything.


If your looking for a motel, then travelodge is good. If your looking for a park, try Southern Comfort.
« Last Edit: Sep 07, 2005, 10:41 by Camella Black »

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #1 on: Apr 20, 2004, 12:52 »
   If you go you may find the Coral Castle very interesting ( )it is close to the plant. In the Keys you will find Pennekamp State Park, bring your snorkel its underwater. The everglades is also worth a gander, walkways are built out over the water to allow you to see a wide variety of wildlife.
« Last Edit: Apr 20, 2004, 12:58 by Marlin »

Offline starving_dog

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2004, 01:36 »
If you have a trailer/camper Goldcoaster is a good place to rent a spot.  They are on Palm drive a few blocks west of US1.
There are the Habs, and the Hab nots.


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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #3 on: Oct 17, 2004, 06:59 »

Share lakefront 3 Br & 2Ba.  Satellite TV & WiFi.
Gated community - Gateway Estates; 1 pool  & clubhouse.

2 bedrooms available now - but they won 't last long.
*Gated Community 5-10 miles from Turkey Point.

20 minutes from Key Largo
150/week - $170 refundable security deposit. Free internet WiFi.

Full Sized Washer & dryer.
Gated Community.
Full sized kitchen.


Call Marilyn at 305-245-6720
« Last Edit: Jan 02, 2013, 05:15 by ariel1042 »


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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #4 on: Mar 08, 2005, 08:02 »
Does anyone else have some info on this?  My company is mobilizing some bodies down there and any ideas regarding rentals would be greatly appreciated.


Hi... we own a Key Largo condo that has a minimum rental period of 3 months and will again be available as of May 1, 2005; feel free to share this info and go to to view pictures and more info.


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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #5 on: Jul 14, 2005, 01:51 »
Bedroom for rent in private house with separate entrance.
Located 8 miles to Turkey Point.
Parklike setting, secluded & very private, all fenced in.

Fully furnished. Includes Direct TV.

$150/week + $150 refundable security deposit

Call Jay Drennan at: 786-488-8293
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 03:17 by ariel1042 »


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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #6 on: Jan 19, 2006, 08:24 »
Due to rising utility costs we have raised the rent to $180/week

Share lakefront 2BR 2BA condo. Satellite TV. Gated, secure community; pool & clubhouse. 5 miles from Turkey Point. $180/week - $180 refundable security deposit. Free internet dialup

Ready 1/26/06. Call Marilyn Davis: 305-245-6720 or email: :)


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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #7 on: Aug 21, 2007, 01:59 »
I have a very nice apartment in the downstairs of my home in Key Largo Florida. Its probably a 25 minute drive to turkey point. Its canalfront, furnished, 1500 sq ft, central ac and has a washer and dryer. Its in the very nice subdivision called Port Largo at MM 100 on the oceanside.If you come to work at TP and want a nice place to rent, i will do short term rental. Seems all ive read is bad experiences in Homestead. We are a safe, very nice neighborhood. I can be reached at 305/522-1927


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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #8 on: Aug 21, 2007, 03:23 »
Share lakefront 2BR 2BA condo. Satellite TV. Gated, secure community; pool & clubhouse. 5 miles from Turkey Point. $250/week - $150 refundable security deposit. Free cable internet

Ready now 08/22/07. Call Marilyn Davis: 305-245-6720 or email:

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #9 on: Sep 14, 2007, 02:20 »
For anyone considering relocating to Turkey Point: be careful of the area you choose to live. Find a gated and patrolled neighborhood if you are in Homestead / Florida City / Redlands until you know the area well enough to not get surprised. And not to sound prejudiced, but if they want to know if you qualify for Public Housing Assistance, that does not bode well!

The Keys are safe, though it is a long commute.

What are the other outlying areas like? Consider this news story about a cop-killer:

This took place 2 lights away from the church my family belonged to on SW 288 St. (Biscayne). The areas East of US 1 North of Homestead (West of Homestead Air Force Reserve Base) are pretty rough, even by South Florida standards.

The place where the cop-killer was killed is where people will tell you is much safer (Western Broward County). Safer is relative...

The 2 postings above this one are in very safe areas. This is the type place I would want to stay for a while before I purchased in that area.

I don't mean to sound negative, but this shooting really hit home. I would hate to read about any nukeworkers involved in such events.  Pay attention if you go there; it's not Kansas.
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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #10 on: Sep 14, 2007, 02:30 »
I have a very nice apartment in the downstairs of my home in Key Largo Florida. Its probably a 25 minute drive to turkey point. Its canalfront, furnished, 1500 sq ft, central ac and has a washer and dryer. Its in the very nice subdivision called Port Largo at MM 100 on the oceanside.If you come to work at TP and want a nice place to rent, i will do short term rental. Seems all ive read is bad experiences in Homestead. We are a safe, very nice neighborhood. I can be reached at 305/522-1927

I lived in Key Largo (99 mile marker) and worked at Turkey Point. Key Largo is a great place... I loved it there. BUT -- if you want to stay there, it is more like 40 to 45 minutes from your door to the security building assuming you don't hit bad traffic and don't have trouble with parking. Do not get me wrong, I still would consider living there just for the joy of living in the Keys. But the road (which is currently undergoing construction of a new bridge) is long and narrow. The alternative route is a little longer but less likely to be backed up with traffic... and has a toll booth on it.

I am not trying to dissuade anyone from living there, I just want people to be aware of the trade-offs.
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Offline biloxoi blues

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #11 on: Sep 23, 2007, 01:00 »
Do not stay at the Fairway Inn or the Super 8 hotel.   There was a shooting in the parking lot of Super 8 a couple of days ago, someone trying to steal a automobile.  At the Fairway  Inn the service is horrible.  Took two days to get a toilet fixed, the wireless has been down for at least a week (Im in the lobby now typing this), there is also only two washers and dryers for the whole complex which you will be sharing with the crew that is doing construction on the road to Key West.  Well I better leave there might be some "dope" in the parking lot.  Also not too far away from here there were four cops shot at,  one was killed and anothered injured.  Just found out today while reading the paper there was a person who was on death row who had been paroled, shopping in the Walmart that is only a mile away from the motels that most techs stay here at Turkey Pt.  One word should help make your decision on staying in the Fairway Inn, "Patel".

Offline saupere

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #12 on: Oct 24, 2007, 12:54 »
I recently stayed at the Ramada (formerly Hampton Inn) in Florida City for 3 weeks while working at Turkey Point.  This is on the corner of US1 and East Palm, directly across the street from the Mutineer Restaurant. Here is a summary of that hotel:

The TV had no remote control and when I asked for one I got no resolution.  I asked for a universal remote.  Then oneday a universal remote showed up in my room but no instructions on how to program it.  I asked for instructions and they sent an attendant over with 2 batteries. Never did get the remote working.  The swimming pool was nice, no complaints about that.  The doors to the rooms used the famous electronic Ving Card.  In my case you'd get a green light but would have to give the door a good jolt to open it.  By the end of my stay I realized the door would open even on red if you gave it a jolt.  However on the day I went to checkout at 6:00am I went to the front desk. Tried to raise somebody, got no response.  Sat down at the breakfast bar and ate a muffin and some eggs.  Went back to the front desk and tried to get someone's attention to checkout.  I got on my cell phone and dialed the hotel number.  Literally let it ring for 3 minutes and there was no response.   Had to call the manager when I returned home to have her fax me a bill.  She said the employee on duty that night had been fired.  If you stay here, don't leave anything valuable like golf clubs or a PC in your room.


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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #13 on: Dec 26, 2007, 06:09 »
Key Largo MM 105- 2 Bedroom Waterfront Trailer with Bay views, screened in patio, cable, washer/dryer, fully furnished, Quiet Neighborhood and will consider pets.  Monthly rentals only respond by email to or 561-758-1300.  Prior TP renters have never complained!!!  New road expansion makes for a quicker commute. 


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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #14 on: Jan 05, 2008, 08:51 »
Here 7 miles from the plant in gated community have a furnished room for rent, no pets. Has mini fridge and microwave, also has full bathroom that is private.  room is detached from the rest of the house so there is privacy with this room.  Looking for all reasonable offers for the coming outage, definitely less than 50 dollars a day.  Location is 7 miles from the plant.

email me at if interested. 


Brenda Larrain

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #15 on: Apr 25, 2008, 01:48 »
 I have a 3 bedroom, 2 ba furnished home at MM 106 in Key Largo available for short term rental.  The master bedroom has w/i closet and private bath with jacuzzi tub.   2 smaller BR's share a nice walk in shower bath.  A/C, W/D.  Kit/LR/DR all one room.  Office area in back of kitchen.  Tons of kitchen storage.  The interior was recently remodeled.  Large screened in porch covers the entire back of the house and is a great place to relax, with the scent of the constantly blooming foliage in the air.  House is surrounded by patio on 3 sides and has a lot of privacy due to the trees and plants.  Parking for 4 in front of the home.  Safe neighborhood on high ground.  Quiet neighborhood.  Pennekamp Park 4 miles south of neighborhood.  Very easy access to the 18 mile stretch.  Electric and water included in rent.  There is a land line, cable line, and Direct TV line run to the house that renter can activate (at their own cost).  This house is on the market but has been for 2 years.  Recent Turkey Point consultant rented the home and was very happy with it.  All you need to bring is your clothes and linens.
Security deposit and 1st month rent.  References and proof of employement required.  Lease is month to month, but would prefer a 3-6 month committment. No pets  Mus tbe willing to allow realtor to show house.  Groundskeeper maintains property twice monthly.  Please call 847-828-5090 with serious inquiries only. 

Offline Loffy Muffin

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #16 on: Jun 10, 2008, 10:13 »
Has anyone tried to live in South Beach or Key Biscayne?  I might try that if the commute is not overwhelming.  40 miles door to door and going out of  Miami at 6AM should be ok.  Glut of oceanfront condos on the beach, can play lets make a deal.  Then, take the turnpike right past Homestead/FC and hope nothing gets on me.  They probably have a bunch of rules at SoBe to prevent me from riding my jetskis off the beach.  Tourist central.  Half of Key Biscayne is a park, which is nice, but they probably don't have models sunning themselves topless.  tough call.

Doesn't look like much to rent in the Keys other then mobile homes for 1500/month.  Pass.

Probably rent a hotel at the beach and see what the drive is like before I take a place. 

The contract is about 18 months so I don't want to slum it for that long. 
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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #17 on: Jun 10, 2008, 10:46 »
Has anyone tried to live in South Beach or Key Biscayne?  I might try that if the commute is not overwhelming.  40 miles door to door and going out of  Miami at 6AM should be ok.  Glut of oceanfront condos on the beach, can play lets make a deal.  Then, take the turnpike right past Homestead/FC and hope nothing gets on me.  They probably have a bunch of rules at SoBe to prevent me from riding my jetskis off the beach.  Tourist central.  Half of Key Biscayne is a park, which is nice, but they probably don't have models sunning themselves topless.  tough call.

Doesn't look like much to rent in the Keys other then mobile homes for 1500/month.  Pass.

Probably rent a hotel at the beach and see what the drive is like before I take a place. 

The contract is about 18 months so I don't want to slum it for that long. 

I would count on 1 hour door-to-door if you live on Key Biscayne or Miami Beach... if traffic does not get in your way. It will probably be a bit worse sometimes.

There is also a glut of apartments/condos for rent about 6 to 10 miles from the plant, many of them in gated communities for about 1100 to 1200/month (2 - 3 bedrooms.) While you don't get to live on the beach that way, you only commute about 15 minutes door-to-door (including the security gate.) You probably won't be home during prime sightseeing times anyway, so why drive 2 hours a day when you can always visit the beach on the weekend?

If living on the beach is critical for you and worth ten hours a week out of your leisure time, of course go for it. But there are plenty of other options if you are careful where you look and get good local advice.
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Offline Loffy Muffin

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #18 on: Jun 10, 2008, 11:56 »
Why do it? wake up to the sun rising over the atlantic. go to sleep with the sound of waves crashing on the beach.  Weekends.  1-2 hours of beach time per day.  dinner at a street cafe. 

It will depend on how much OT I have to do.  TP is on a 9 day schedule so there is a three dayer every other week.  If I have to put in 60/hr weeks, It doesn't make sense.  Plus, tolls and gas will add 300-400/month.  I'll probably hotel it for the first week or two until I can get a feel for the work load.  High work load will dictate Homestead, I'm afraid. 

But, it sounds doable if I'm working 40's.

Thanks for the input.
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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #19 on: Jun 10, 2008, 12:14 »
I lived on the beach for over a year at St. Lucie so I understand the attraction. But the 9 hour days minimum (that is the cost of the 9 day schedule) then the overtime if required, gets you back to the beach around 5:30 on a good day and later on many. And the traffic at 6 am is not terrible coming from Miami, but going to Miami at about 5:00 is damned near terrible most nights. Forget Fridays.

Don't get me wrong... lots of people do it -- though not too many to Miami Beach. Mostly it is to West Miami and Ft. Lauderdale/Pembroke Pines areas. Some people live in Key Largo and commute. I did that for an outage, too and it was not too bad, but with the bridge construction it is hit and miss.

Give it a shot for a while. Maybe you will find it worth the trouble. What are you coming here to do?
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

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Offline Loffy Muffin

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #20 on: Jun 10, 2008, 01:13 »
I'm doing the Steam Path Upgrade to support the EPU scheduled for fall 2009.  Working with Siemens-Westinghouse to plan and execute, I'm assuming, the rotor and blade ring swap out.   

We can't get a fossil permit for our plants here at Fluor, so rather then sit around and wait for this summer's electrical crisis (We don't have enough NG to support peakers imo.  I see prices skyrocketing if we get a hot summer), I figure I go work some nuke turbines, hang at the beach, and make some mullah.  After the project I figure they might be breaking ground or at least staffing up for the new nuke builds.  I live in greenville SC right now and they have 4 proposed new builds within a 2hour drive.  Should be in a good position to rake the mullah after I'm done at turkey, or come back here at fluor direct.  Fluor is pretty good place to work, just slow right now.  I don't want to wait around for work to pick up.
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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #21 on: Jun 11, 2008, 05:53 »
  After the project I figure they might be breaking ground or at least staffing up for the new nuke builds. 
Your gonna be waiting a long time if you think anyone is going to be breaking ground to build any new nukes.

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #22 on: Jul 09, 2008, 12:33 »
Commuting from South Beach for now.  Takes 50 minutes.  Staying at a place called the Bently on Ocean Dr.  They will take dogs and I got a place for a week.  Unbelievable.  Models all over the place every night.  My dog is a super model magnet. 
But, I will be setting up in Homestead because I need a garage for all my gear.  No waves in miami either. 

Southbeach is doable.  Oceanfront condos, 1500 sqft for 2-3K/month. 
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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #23 on: Jul 09, 2008, 01:36 »
Here I am thinking of possibly going back but now I know more about where and where not to live. Gotta get away from these damn BWRs. hehehe

bryan melssen

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Re: Turkey Point - Lodging
« Reply #24 on: Jul 18, 2008, 02:44 »
I am permanently moving to the Miami area.  Hopefully I will pick up a job pretty quick at Turkey Point.  I am leaving the great white north (Davis Besse). 
My wife is working at FIU, University Park Campus.
Is anyone aware of a good 6 month or so rental at a reasonable?
I want to buy a house sooner than later but want to get to know the areas and the best places to live before I buy.  Plus, I may get a job at Turkey Point, but I don't want to leave the industry.
Anyway, if you could email me with any good places, that would be great.


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