Facility & Company Information > McGuire
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I really enjoy working with all the Bartlett Core at the other techs at all three Duke sites. Good Group of people and good Bartlett Co-ordinators: Phil Kelley, Rick Smith and Bill Mc Cleod. :) :)
I worked an outage in '88 for Mr Osama in lower containment on days. It wasnt bad once I got used to spending 12 hours a day in the can. And I did develop some good climbing skills.
My second outage in '89 working Aux bldg nights was a paid vacation.
Then I left a week before the first layoff and the RPM (cant remember his name right now) told me that not only would I never work McGuire ever again , but that I would never work a Duke plant again! :o It didnt bother me much then or now , but he sure thought I would regret it for some reason.
Stayed at some great campgrounds on the north side of the lake. Summers are fun if you work nights and can hang out on the lake all day.
RP Instructor:
I worked as an RP house tech at McGuire from '81 (Unit 1 start-up) to '93. I enjoyed my time there. Worked with many good people, and made many good friends. Looking back, I'd probably still be there if circumstances had been different. McGuire RP lost a number of good people (myself included) because management failed to recognize and reward those hard-working folks who cared about the quality of the work they produced. Instead, we were told that RP management's expectations were that we carry the load for those who wouldn't (in addition to our own load), and that we'd be responsible for ANY screw-ups during our shift, regardless of who was at fault. One can only do that for so long before one realizes they're being taken for a fool. Working a rotating 12-hour shift alongside an idiot taxes one's resolve. McGuire RP management was reluctant to deal with those house techs who wouldn't work (or were incompetent), thus folks like myself got fed-up with it and moved-on. It's sad.
Worked last outage there. Site coordinator is Rick Smith, great guy to work for! (HP site coordinator)
Last I heard Bartlett still was not using automatic deposit.
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