Well, that is a matter of opinion. Mine is that the outage is a cluster, with ops holding it up and blowing water everywhere, too many green craft, too few RP's, too few Decon, and way too many managers looking at everything. They came up with words that are not spoken in the OCC, such as maybe, might, we think, today, end of shift. The only word we don't hear from the OCC is NO. Diving is going well, however, and there are other places that are positive, but moral is not one of them. We are being forced to work 84 hours/week, and if someone takes a day off, even if scheduled far in advance, he loses per Diem for that day, even though he will still work 72 hours that week. Have to admire the House Techs, though. They are some of the nicest people at the plant, I guess because they are in it with us, and then have to stay after the flood and pick up the pieces. Boy, do I feel for them, but I've had enough of this place to last a lifetime.