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Fermi NPP Lodging
« on: Dec 05, 2002, 05:19 »
There are several motels in the greater Monroe area.  They do like to stick it contractors wheb Fermi does an outage.  Bartlett tries to work out a package with one of the larger ones that has a bar, food and other restaraunts nearby.  Contact me here and I may be able to get you additional information.
« Last Edit: Dec 09, 2007, 05:34 by Camella Black »

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #1 on: Mar 03, 2003, 09:17 »
There is a Days Inn and a few other motels offering weekly rates.  

Roger & Patti, fellow Nuclear Contractors, have a furnished one bedroom apartment (separate from main house) available in Toledo, Ohio. Easy travel to Davis Besse or Fermi. 419.474.4375  

There are Two Or Three Motels In Newport Mi. That You Can Stay At. One Of The Motels Is Cross-country Motel There Is A Golf Course Right Across From It.

And There are Campgrounds Around There About 10 Min From Fermi, Camp Lord Willing in Monroe--1600 Stumpmier Rd, (313)242-3116.


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #2 on: Jun 11, 2003, 03:16 »
BEWARE the Hometown Inn on Dixie, the manager raises the rates when he knows you are working Fermi. Charged us 46.00/night even though he has a weekly rate. Did not give us the rates he offered over the phone. Plenty of other places within short distance that are reasonable.

Offline Camella Black

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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #3 on: Apr 11, 2004, 10:04 »
Be sure to check with the site coord. and house techs about housing. Henry and I stayed their in 2003, had a 2 bedroom house, furnished, all utilities except phone furnished for $200 week on Detroit Beach which is 5 miles from plant on the Dixie Highway.

Offline Camella Black

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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2004, 10:50 »
My favorite place near Monroe, is the Cabela's store. I can still see the look in my husband's eyes as we pulled in the parking lot.

If you need it for hunting, fishing, boating or camping, they have it.

We also enjoyed the MGM Casino in Detroit, crossing over to Windsor, Canada to the casino there also.


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2004, 10:17 »
Eats and drinks around Monroe, from a local.
For the best Mexican food and drinks around try La Fiesta, its on N. Telegraph Rd., south of town near the Ohio border on your right (highly recomended).  For some Italian cuisine you might try The Detroit Beach Pizzaria, located on Dixie Hwy only a few miles from Fermi. Its about 5 miles before I-75 coming from Fermi. Petes Garage is an all time classic, although recently remodeled (I liked it better before) on N Telegraph. Tuesday night is wing night and always extremely busy. Weekends pull in a fairly large crowd as well. They have a great burger and some decent pool tables. Also if you enjoy nastalgia they have several cars from the 50's that have been modified into booths. If your in the mood for an easy going night of a few drinks and either a game of pool or some karioki (Friday night if Im not mistaken) check out The Bears Den. You probably pass it every day on your way to work. Its less than a mile from Fermi Dr. on Dixie Hwy.
Two to avoid: "the dump" and "the pit", aptly named they are rough bars. The dump is on the river, its current name is The Pirates Landing, its best not to go here. The second is The Gravell Pit, on Telegraph north of town. Its best to know someone there. Both are known for fights and drugs.
Enjoy Monroe, I always do!


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #6 on: Jul 10, 2004, 01:25 »
A bunch of us stayed at Amerihost Inn last spring (03) outage.  They charged 34 a night, pool, sauna, jacuzzi and a pretty good continental breakfast. Good people worked there also, had a ball. There was about 12 of us all staying there so there wasn't any lack in socializing.

Offline dave99

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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #7 on: Jul 10, 2004, 11:06 »
"They" have changed the name of "Camp Lord willing" to: Shady Rest RV Park and Campground. I saw some negative experience indications at one spot online under the old name but I wonder if anyone here had a bad time there? Also there is Harbortown RV Resort just south of Monroe.
« Last Edit: Aug 02, 2004, 11:03 by dave99 »


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #8 on: Jul 17, 2004, 01:48 »
A lot of the Fermi people hang at Vernas on Dixie Highway, about 3 miles North of the plant (Famous because it was issued the first liquor license in the US post Prohibition)

Also try McGeadies on Monroe Street. John Martin runs the cleanest bar in town with the best burgers in Michigan, PLUS his waitresses are HOT!!


Offline makua13

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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #9 on: Jul 28, 2004, 03:51 »
Most hotels in Monroe are ify (my opion) the only 2 nice ones are Comfort Inn which is $45 a night, based on weekly stay, and the Hampton Inn.  Hampton "says" they don't do weekly rates but I did talk them into it and had a great stay.
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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #10 on: Sep 15, 2004, 03:44 »
New "deal" in Monroe:  the Comfort Inn has a special rate for GE/Detroit Edison Group, $40.00 daily.  (734) 384-1500 6500 E. Albain Rd.  or one exit S. of Fermi exit off interstate.  This is the best deal in the area, includes 24 hr excercise rm, jacuzzi/pool, brkfst.  Stacey is the contact person there.
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Offline dave99

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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #11 on: Dec 10, 2004, 01:56 »
I just finished a 4-1/2 week stay at Shady Creek RV park and campground  on November 20, 2004. It was a pleasent place to stay. It cost $ 450 / month.
Their website is: Their Phone  number is: (734) 243-2052 .They areopen year round. The place is a 10-15 minute drive from Fermi.
New washers & Dryers. Fairly well laid out hookups.They sell propane.(expensive)  He put down fresh gravel in my site to make sure I had something dry to park and walk on. I had an easy sattelite dish lock on due to  intelligent layout of campsites.  (long run to treeline to south ) I can't predict what the place will be like in 18 months, but if I go back I'll give them a try.


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #12 on: Dec 07, 2006, 08:36 »
If anyone has lodging information for this facility, please post it here.

Amerihost Inn and Suites located at 14774 LaPlaisance Rd, Monroe, MI, 48161.
(I 75, Exit 11, turn right at McDonald's and fllow the drive back to the hotel)
Contact phone # Jas @ 1248-931-7694

-  Convenienly located close to Fermi II and DTE
-  Special rates for Fermi II and DTE
-  Hotel Amenities include free continental breakfast, Indoor heated pool,     whirlpool, exercise room, business center, rooms with coffemakers, micrwaves and refrigerators.
-  Laundry pick up and drop off service
-  Special discounted rates for food at Nearby restaurants
-  "Friends and Family" discounts for anyone coming to visit.
-  24 hr front desk, very friendly and well trained staff
-  Guest Appreciation every Tuesday


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #13 on: Jan 27, 2007, 12:33 »
If anyone has lodging information for this facility, please post it here.

Just to let you know, Amerihost Inn & Suites has competitive rates in the area of Monroe.  It has a heated pool and hot tub, clean rooms, free continental breakfast, wireless internet and a bunch more goodies.  It's behind the Horizon Outlet off 75, at Exit 11.  Many companies lodge there, too.  The prices are real good, too.  They have "extended stay" packages.  The number is 734-384-1600.  Oh, before I forget, they have "Jacuzzi Suites" that are very nice. Take advantage.  The staff is very helpful.   Hope to see you there!


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #14 on: Jan 27, 2007, 02:09 »
On my infrequent trips to Monroe I stay at the Amerihost. The old owners sort of ran it into the ground, the new owners are a very nice Middle Eastern family, they go out of their way to help. Last time I was there was just prior to Fermi's last RFO. From what I can see the owners welcomed the contractors.

The rates are better than you'll get in most decent places in Monroe.


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #15 on: Mar 24, 2007, 04:49 »
A word of BEWARE. Before you book at AmeriHost (The name is changing to Baymont) contact me.
« Last Edit: Mar 28, 2007, 06:28 by Llama »


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #16 on: Apr 06, 2007, 11:42 »
I think the people of SE Michigan are a bunch of defective, rude, backwards losers. For the most part it's a grey area with not a lot to do unless you want to travel a ways

Saying that, the plant is a good one. For the most part low rad levels and as a whole the staff is very sensitive to dose issues. The RP staff is EXCELLENT. There are a lot of very nice people working at that facility. The Decon staff had an excellent relationship with Operations and pretty much every department on site. Some of the best Operators we had at Fermi came out of the Decon ranks. As an NLO, RO, and SRO I always got along fine with the deconners and very much appreciated their willingness and ability to get work done efficiently and safely.


One thing to keep in mind. Fermi2 is already in the process of going through a lot of Upper Level Manager Changes, they have a new SR VP from Dominion and I would venture he's going to bring in his people. From what I hear the changes are going to be very extensive and reach down into the Department Head Level. Keep in mind that may change Plant attitudes a bit.


Halcyon Daze

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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #17 on: Apr 06, 2007, 12:14 »
Unless they moved the plant, that would be Lake Erie.
Mea Culpa.
I didn't find the people there to be rude at all. Bar tenders, store clerks, resurant servers....all of them I met were very friendly. Perhaps a bit backward, but that's not always a bad thing. If I weren't working at home, I'd love to go back there.


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #18 on: Apr 06, 2007, 01:28 »
LOL Roll Tide. actually my wife believes in my assessment too and feels even more strongly as to how rude SE Michigan people really are.

As to store clerks being friendly, the only friendly store clerks I ever saw were in the stores owned by Middle Eastern People otherwise they acted like they were doing you a favor be waiting on you. (Partyville on South Custer and Sams Stop on 7th street KUDOs to you guys!) I will agree the bartenders were friendly to a fault, Russ at the Bears Den comes to mind, also the staff at McGeadies. And while I'm at it if anyone sees Alecia at Michigan Bar tell her Mike and Lauri send their love. Note I do recognize the exceptions to the rule. As a whole I disliked most SE Michiganders with a passion.

It wasn't easy being a fan of an undisputed National Champion while I lived there :) Knowing me Roll Tide did you think I made sure people knew that?


Offline Camella Black

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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #19 on: Apr 06, 2007, 02:05 »
I don't know where any of you stayed at during your time at Fermi, but Henry and I loved it. We not only found the people outgoing and friendly; but we had a wonderful little cottage on Detroit Beach that came completely furnished for 200 per week including the cable and lights, we just paid for the phone.

I would go back in a heart beat...


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #20 on: Apr 06, 2007, 02:14 »

                    Camella, I concur with you...
        I enjoyed the people as well as the area... especially the house techs... :)


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #21 on: Apr 06, 2007, 02:22 »
                    Camella, I concur with you...
        I enjoyed the people as well as the area... especially the house techs... :)

I agree. The House Techs at Fermi are about as fun a group of nice and classy people as you'll ever meet.

Detroit Beach is a nice area. One of the few where you get a decent view of the lake.


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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #22 on: Apr 06, 2007, 10:23 »
I enjoyed myself there and the Detroit area was great.
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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #23 on: Apr 07, 2007, 04:31 »
I think the people of SE Michigan are a bunch of defective, rude, backwards losers. For the most part it's a grey area with not a lot to do unless you want to travel a ways

Saying that, the plant is a good one. For the most part low rad levels and as a whole the staff is very sensitive to dose issues. The RP staff is EXCELLENT. There are a lot of very nice people working at that facility. The Decon staff had an excellent relationship with Operations and pretty much every department on site. Some of the best Operators we had at Fermi came out of the Decon ranks. As an NLO, RO, and SRO I always got along fine with the deconners and very much appreciated their willingness and ability to get work done efficiently and safely.

He's 100% correct.  Most of the plant staff are not locals.  It's tough to describe the true nature of the area on this forum.  Most of the positive comments given were for short term stays and probably didn't get the full exposure or was limited to their favorite bar or restaurant.

Offline Camella Black

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Re: Fermi NPP Lodging
« Reply #24 on: Apr 07, 2007, 10:12 »
Well I hate to burst your bubble M1ark, but I didn't frequent a bar anytime I was in the area of Fermi; however this is what MY experience was while in the area for a short time (which by the way is what most of us are used to isn't it? Here today, gone tommorow).

I called the site co-ord to find out about housing, he talked to someone at the plant, they knew someone and got me her name. This person rented to me sight unseen, a charming 2 bedroom house (fully furnished) with her paying the electric bill and cable for a whopping $200 per week. The second week we were there the roof sprang a leak and she and her brothers showed up the next day and put a new roof on!!!

Week 3, in a rush to go to the mall I set my 800.00 camera on the driveway and drove away. The man next, whom I had never seen saw it and picked it up and returned it the next day.

The transportation people carefully told me how to catch the city bus and heck the smaller bus that did runs actually came to the house and took me to the mall because it was on the way to her routine stops. Wow.

I could go on and on, but suffice to say that in the 33 years I've got in this business (yep thats right) as the daughter and wife of a tech, this was one of the nicest, cheapest and friendlist places I've ever been.

As for there being nothing to do, come on, Detroit is 40 minutes away, you can cross the border and go to a beautiful casinon in Canada and one of the largest outdoor stores is another 30 minutes away. I actually did not see half of what I wanted to see of this area.

Like I said before, Henry and I loved it, he loved the plant and we are both ready to return.


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