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LaSalle Lodging

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What????? A viking in BEARS country????  hhhmmmm Morris is an ok area but if you are looking for  clubs, Joliet is the better bet.  Morris is growing but Joliet is the city.  As far as the food goes...Morris has only Chilis as far as chain restaurants go. There are some good local restaurants.  Shopping is limited to walmart and specialty stores downtown.  Joliet has a decent mall on Rt. 39 near most of the chain hotels.

If you like Mexican food, don't miss LaMex in Morris. Outstanding.

 If you want a small town,then I would suggest morris il. its about a 20 minute or so drive to the plant. or if you want something with more commercial stuff like a best buy, outback ect then joliet is your choice and that makes a commute to lasalle at about 45 minutes i think.

like i said if you want stores, shopping centers, movies, ect then joliet is your choice plus theres a casino rigth there on the river. I was just there in feb for the last outage, knew several guys that made the trip and said it was not a bad drive mostly interstate.

When I was looking for a place to rent up there, I really liked the look of Marsialles (sp) However I would not want to move there with out a 4WD/AWD vehicle. Those hills coud get really ugly in the winter. I ended up in Streator myself, it's pretty dingy IMO and not the best looking of places, but city-data.com says it has a lower rate of crime than where I am as a whole (Carbondale, IL) So we'll see. The reason I got the place was it was inexpensive, nice and within 15-20 minutes of work by car. I would probably be looking at Ottawa or one of the towns mentioned if you are looking to buy a nice family house. I think you could get a decent but older 3BR for under 200K and a lot nearer to low-mid 100Ks if you look. That's my plan in a year or two. A week ago from today we stayed 2 days in the Holiday Inn over in Morris, had to call more than a few before that however to get the room. It was ~200/night for a double.


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