Facility & Company Information > Palisades
Palisades Lodging
If anyone has lodging information for this facility, please post it here.
Beach House Rentals
Lions Park Drive, St. Joseph, MI
630-845-0702 Barb
1, 2 and 3 bedroom furnished, fully equipped, all utilities, cable TV and local phone included. Rent month to month, short term okay, 20 minutes to Palisades.
For short stays, have always thoroughly enjoyed the following:
Clarion Hotel [smiley=jarswim.gif] [smiley=beerchug.gif] (y)
100 Main St, St Joseph, MI 49085
616.983.7341 / Service Desk
616.983.0650 / Fax
Ramada Inn [smiley=jarswim.gif] [smiley=beerchug.gif] (y)
798 Ferguson Dr (I-94 Exit 28), Benton Harbor, MI 49022
616.927.1172 / Service Desk
616.927.1198 / Fax
1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments in South Haven, MI. 8 miles from Palisades. Confortable and reasonable.
Sandra Malek
01139 59th Street
Grand Junction, MI 49056
For RV parking, try Mitchell Brothers (North on Bluestar <5 miles from the plant) or House of David in Benton Harbor (Empire Ave north of 94). Both are relatively inexpensive, Mitchell bros. is a trailer park but will rent spots for RVs. House of David is less developed but is cheap (250/mo. incl. electric)
Benton Harbor super 8 motel $29.95 a day @ weekly rate (three day min) was cheap but clean. 15 min to inpross. on Paw paw ave. At exit 30 on I-94
(269) 926-1371 1950 E Napier Ave
Benton Harbor, MI
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