Career Path > Different Country

Foreign nuke plant job opportunities


Has anyone done any research into pay/benefits/life at any foreign nuclear plants? Or is anyone out there currently working at a foreign plant? I'm just curious how pay and quality of life vary in other countries.



--- Quote from: sullied on Dec 15, 2007, 01:07 ---Has anyone done any research into pay/benefits/life at any foreign nuclear plants? Or is anyone out there currently working at a foreign plant? I'm just curious how pay and quality of life vary in other countries.


--- End quote ---

Check out the forum at Career Path-Different Country:,49.0.html

Good Luck and thanks for your service ;D

are you looking for a perm position overseas or just outage work ? I know that areva,westinghouse and GE do work overseas. I can tell you that GE does outage work in mexico,taiwan,japan and switzerland.


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