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Author Topic: 100Rem/hr RWCU Tank  (Read 10597 times)

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100Rem/hr RWCU Tank
« on: Dec 18, 2007, 08:52 »
Gotta decon this tank.  Reading 100Rem/hr at the bottom.  ~3000mRem/hr 3-4 feet away.  Got any ideas?  Decon material, process, etc?
The medium inside the tank is 'Powdex Resin' flowing thru a 4" drain.  The tank is rubber lined.  Probably some impregnation in the liner, flushing isn't working, sediment settles back to the bottom after the flush.
« Last Edit: Dec 18, 2007, 10:33 by Melrose »


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Re: 100Rem/hr RWCU Tank
« Reply #1 on: Dec 18, 2007, 10:42 »
Is this a phase separator or a BW Receiving tank? If it is, it may have an air sparger, recirc sparger or some other mixing system that could be used to keep the resin in suspension while it's being pumped or drained. Failing that, you may be able to rig a wand to keep the slurry agitated. I'm sure you know to watch your 'downstream' dose rates.
« Last Edit: Dec 20, 2007, 05:29 by illegalsmile »


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Re: 100Rem/hr RWCU Tank
« Reply #2 on: Dec 19, 2007, 03:48 »
you may have a liner break and it is getting the resin under the liner between the tank. if it is between the liner and tank goooooooood luck!!!!

adjusting the pH back and forth may work since it will change the ionic charge. (weak sulfuric/weak hydoxide)if it is a clog of the flocculant (polymer) you may have a ball of gunk in the bottom. if the tank is junk- get a hydrolazer rotational head. that will do it.


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