Career Path > Different Country

Info on RP/HP work in Canada

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You might also want to consider taking a non-RP job with one of the nuclear utilities in Canada just to get your foot in the door with them.  You can always do a transfer later over to RP when the position comes available, especially with your RP background.  good luck

Don't forget to check with the contract companies. The Canadian companies sometimes hire US contractors to supplement their work force. Often a US plant will hire contractors they've worked with in the past to fill "house" positions so the contractor route could make sense as a form of job interview.

Thanks for your comments guys and for the good wishes too.
I'll keep plugging away at it.
Other than Radsafe Canada, which contract companies in Canada employ RP staff ?

Saw your post here, not sure if you are still looking or even still in the area but if you are still trying I did notice one name missing from your list of employers that you had been trying to get work with. The Power Worker's Union (PWU) does hire (from time to time) groups of contract workers who are hired by the various stations in Ontario. 

I was wondering about the jobs I see BHI post for transportation specialists.  Does anyone know what a fully US qualified with DOT certs person needs to do to be able to go make shipments in Canada?  Thanks!


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